Archive for the ‘Newly Discovered Sources’ Category

Old Boston Photographs

Friday, July 29th, 2011

The Old Boston Collection, a series of late 19th century photographs of historic Boston sites, was rediscovered by the Boston Public Library in 2007.

Recently, the Library has digitized, and made available on Flickr,  113 of these images. Among them, there are items such as a print of Benjamin Franklin’s house on Milk Street and a photograph of the Old State House from 1898.

Related post, Boston Chinatown.

Islamic Manuscripts Online

Friday, July 15th, 2011

A brief essay with an annotated list of online resources  considered by the author, Sean Swanick, an Islamic Studies librarian at McGill University,  to be of the foremost quality currently available.

Swanick, Sean. “Of making books there is no end’: Islamic manuscripts on the Web“. College & Research Libraries News vol. 72 no. 7 416-419.