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COP21 Resources for Tufts Students

by Kris Pieper on November 11, 2015

As the United Nations Conference on Climate Change prepares to hold its annual meeting (this year’s is COP21, from 11/30 – 12/11) in Paris, we have put together a list of resources for Tufts students to learn about and follow along with the negotiations from afar, courtesy of Tina Woolston.


For background:
  1. 4 expert videos on different aspects of the negotiations: their history, science and economics, pillars of climate governance, negotiating itself. 
  2. Timeline of COPs up until now
  3. The official site of COP21 in Paris
For following along up to & during the negotiations:
  1. During the negotiations, you should actually be able to watch the negotiations and see the draft texts on the official site here
  2. Climate Action Network (CAN) Eco-Newsletters. Daily during the COP.
  3. Tree Alerts climate news bulletin: I get these to my inbox weekly, highly recommend
  4. ENB (Earth Negotiations Bulletin) email listserv from IISD: daily during negotiations, very impartial.
  5. Twitter: #COP21, #GCFund, #INDC, #Action2015
Other strong news sources:
  1. Adopt a negotiator:
  2. Climate Home
  3. Climate Change TV: useful videos with top negotiators –
  4. One Climate.Net
  5. Climate and Development Knowledge Network :
  6. Chinadialogue:
  7. UNFCCC newsroom

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