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PhD Thesis Research

by Grace L. Schumaker on April 23, 2018

Ph.D. student to study forest understory vegetation dynamics in mixed-oak
forests as a function of site factors and deer herbivory at The Pennsylvania
State University.

We seek a student who has strong quantitative and problem-solving skills and
is comfortable working alone or in small groups in remote, forested areas.
The successful candidate will have support responsibilities to a long-term
(5+ years) study of forest understory vegetation dynamics, as influenced by
competition, herbivory and site factors. The student will develop their PhD
thesis research within the context of this ongoing study. The student would
have access to an extensive, detailed dataset based on 5+ years of past
fieldwork on which to build a research project. Funding is assured for the
duration of a normal PhD course of study and includes a stipend (approx.
$29,000/year), health benefits, and tuition remission. Interested students
should contact Dr. Marc McDill ( for more information prior
to applying online.

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