On the Shelf (November 2015)

For work…

Electronic Resource: Knovel

Location: Search for ‘Knovel’ in E-Resources Finder (http://www.library.tufts.edu/hsl/CentralDatabase/centraldatabase.html)

Collection of engineering and applied science reference books and databases. While this collection is designed for engineers, it does cover biochemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical topics. A unique search feature of Knovel allows you to find data within tables, graphics and equations. Two particularly useful resources in this collection are Knovel Critical Tables and the Biology Data Book. Knovel Critical Tables are a set of interactive tables of constants and physical, electrical and thermodynamic properties. The Biology Data Book is an old, but indispensable resource that provides basic biomedical data for biological substances and hundreds of organisms, including humans and common laboratory species.

And leisure…

Room cover

Room, by Emma Donoghue

Location: HHSL Leisure Reading Fiction D687

This 2010 novel, told from the perspective of a 5-year boy, tells the story of a woman and her son held captive in a single room. This riveting and thought-provoking book has recently been made into a movie.

-Laura Pavlech