Greetings Readers! Here are the job listings for the week of August 26th!


Site Manager [Historic New England / Boston, MA]

Luce Project Assistant Curator [Mystic Seaport Museum / Mystic, CT]

Donor Engagement Manager [Massachusetts Historical Society / Boston, MA]

Research and Adult Programs Director [Paul Revere House / Boston, MA]

Executive Director [South End Historical Society / Boston, MA]


Manager of K-12 Digital and Educator Initiatives [The Phillips Collection / Washington, DC]

Curator [The Fabric Workshop and Museum / Philadelphia, PA]

Interpretive Planner [The Penn Museum, Philadelphia, PA]

Associate Director of Teen Programs [New-York Historical Society / New York City]

Assistant Manager of Teen Programs [New-York Historical Society / New York City]


Associate Curator of Education [Norton Museum of Art / West Palm Beach, FL]

Director of Education and Engagement [The Columbus Museum / Columbus, GA]

Research and Digital Experience Specialist [The Museum of Fine Arts / Houston, TX]

Group Educator [Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation / Williamsburg, VA]

Executive Director [The Germanna Foundation / Locust Grove, VA]


Director [Historic Wagner Farm / Glenview, IL]

Grants Officer [Detroit Museum of Arts / Detroit, MI]

Research Associate [The Art Institute of Chicago / Chicago, IL]

Science Collections Curator [Grand Rapids Public Museum / Grand Rapids, MI]

Assistant Registrar, Photography [Spurlock Museum of World Cultures / Urbana-Champaign]


Curator of Natural History [Metropolitan Museum / Riverside, CA]

Curator of Collections and Exhibits [Juneau-Douglas City Museum / Juneau, AK]

Curator [Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals / Hillsboro, OR]

Associate Curator, Academic and Public Programs [University of Arizona, Center for Creative Photography / Tucson, AZ]

Assistant Objects Conservator [Denver Museum of Art / Denver, CO]