On Wednesday May 25, 2016, President Anthony Monaco hosted the first picnic in a three part, year end, celebration on the president’s lawn. This first picnic was an open invitation to all on the Medford/Somerville campus to enjoy good food and beautiful weather. Following picnics will be held on the Boston campus, Monday, June 13, and the Grafton campus, Wenesday, June 15.


As part of Tufts’ university-wide commitment to sustainability, the first event was and the remaining two will be zero waste.
IMG_7023IMG_7015IMG_7043How did Tufts make this a zero waste event?

Tufts Catering did away with individually packaged  condiments and drinks instead serving in bulk to cut down on the amount of waste it would create.

A big shout out to the staff at Tufts Catering who made much of the picnic possible.


We made sure all food waste was composted with some great help from our Recycling Interns .


We encouraged the Medford/Somerville invites to BYOP (bring your own reusable place setting) to help Tufts reduce as much waste as possible – and they did it with 145 people helping to make the event sustainable!!

IMG_7130IMG_7105IMG_7141And we had some great prizes for those who brought there own place settings and more!



If you want to find out more about what to bring to the Boston and Grafton picnics and how you can make difference, check out a previous post here.

The Medford/Somerville campus helped to make this a zero waste event a success and next up is Boston and Grafton!

See all the photos here.