2025 Officers

Chair: Mavis Murdock

I’m a 3rd-year PhD in Computer Science with a focus on Human-Robot Interaction. I love leading hiking trips, knitting, and trying new restaurants.

Vice-Chair: Sarah Abowitz

ACM-W Co-Chair Sarah Abowitz (she/her) is a computer science PhD candidate studying how graph theory can improve on the analogue linked data found in commentaries on foreign language texts, and how to make such commentaries more accessible. She is also the inaugural Provost Leadership Fellow for the computer science department. When not doing research, Sarah enjoys math knitting, baking, reading, and gaming with her partner.

Secretary: Kat Allen

Kat Allen is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Human-Robot Interaction, and a member of the FETLab of the CEEO and the AABL Lab in Computer Science.  Her research is in human-robot physical collaboration and assistive robotics.

Treasurer: Julia Santaniello

Hi! My name is Julia, and I’m a Computer Science & Human-Robot Interaction Joint Ph.D. student at Tufts University. Apart from academics, I love art, tending to my pet shrimp and collecting trinkets!