In this exercise, the class was asked to engage with the ‘Microcosm,’ or the context, the potential users, and the methods of a design. We started this exercise by imaging a day in our lives, then identifying a problem that we faced throughout the day. For example, my problem was that I had spent too much time in the morning scrolling on my phone. Then, we discussed in partners about the low points of each other’s days and conducted mini interviews to reach the root causes of the problem.

Then, we reframed each problem into an open-ended question in hopes of reaching a potential solution. Rather than a physical solution, what action could we take to resolve the problem? My partner’s problem was that they experienced low energy at the end of the day, so events and classes in the evening were tiresome.

From this, we brainstormed four potential solutions under the following constraints.

Solution Constraint:Possible Solution:
1. Solution is expensive1. Invest research into medication that upkeeps energy
2. Solution done tomorrow2. Take a nap halfway through the day
3. Solution that uses existing product3. Use meditation apps to help recharge
4. Solution uses robots4. Make a robot to attend boring meetings in your place

We proposed the four solutions to each other, then received feedback on the possible solutions. From the feedback, we thought of an improved solution. My solution was to dedicate spaces on campus for naps, especially for students who lived off-campus and couldn’t walk back home between classes.

Finally, we made a storyboard to ‘pitch’ our solution. The storyboard included the initial problem, how we reframed the problem, the proposed solution, and the lasting benefits with the implemented solution.

My storyboard was written as such:

1. Problem

My client’s problem was that they experience low energy and lacking focus at the end of the day for evening classes/ events/ meetings.

3. Solution

My solution was to dedicate more on-campus space for quiet study and napping, especially for students who live far away.

2. Reframing

I reframed the problem into searching for a solution that can sustain or recharge their energy thoughout the day.

4. Benefits

Overall benefits include that many students can utilize these spaces, and does not just serve one person.