Tuesday, February 23, 2021
12:00-1:30 pm EST
Nitzan Shoshan
Centro de Estudios Sociológicos
El Colegio de México
Sultan Doughan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies
Boston University
What are the everyday sites of the production of rightwing ideology in Germany? How do practices apparently designed to teach tolerance in fact exclude some groups? What is the relationship between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Germany, and how does the state mediate the meanings of these terms? In this conversation between two scholars, we hear about the significance of “homeland” in Germany today and consider the relationships among citizenship, race, and religion. Finally, we consider what all of this suggests about current events in the United States today.
Co-Sponsors: The Center for the Humanities at Tufts; Department of Anthropology; the Department of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora,the Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; and the Middle Eastern Studies Program.