I have served on the TCU Senate for the past three years––
First as a Class of 2024 Senator, then as Services Committee Chair, and currently as the TCU Senate Vice President.
With Senate collaboration & community support, here are some of the projects that have been accomplished and that are currently in the works.

As Vice President, I have…
- Spearheaded efforts, alongside faculty and staff, to implement a Community Food Pantry on the Tufts Medford campus, opening Spring 2023
- Fostered a successful pilot program to put free menstrual products in buildings across campus, and sparked the development of an administrative menstrual product committee, that I serve on, to devise long term solutions
- Advocated for implementation of mental wellness day program for Fall 2023 to prioritize mental wellbeing of students
- Initiated Grocery Store Shuttle Pilot Program, and successfully advocated for a long term solution by adding a grocery store Joey stop for Fall 2023
- Worked with student leader to secured funding and resources to bring Generation Conscious free laundry sheets to the Tufts campus, tentatively opening Spring 2023
- Worked with TCU Senate Outreach Committee Chair and Chief Diversity Officer to put together and host two full school town halls on student life and DSDI, to foster communication between students and administration
- Revitalized and planned Tufts Table alongside TCU Senate Chief Diversity Officer, an event which brought together students, faculty, and staff in an effort to build bridges, foster community, and create a common sense of understanding
- Created conversation with administrators surrounding free laundry, and devised possible solutions to reduce barriers
- Served as one of two undergraduate students on the Food Solutions Coalition, a group of faculty, administration, and students dedicated to combating food insecurity
- Planned and led, alongside TCU President, the 2023 Student Leadership Gala and first annual Student Leadership Awards to uplift student leaders on campus
- Co-authored a resolution to demand that Tufts post course cost markers on SIS to heighten cost transparency for students
- Co-founded and co-led the TCU Senate Food Security Subcommittee
- Led meal swipe drives through “Swipe it Forward” Program, which led to 1,800 swipes being donated for Tufts students in need
- Initiated Food Security Awareness Week, launching a Meal on a Budget event and connecting students with resources
- Spearheaded efforts to launch non-perishable grocery bag program, providing access to nearly 140 students during Fall and Spring break
- Served as member of Reproductive Rights Committee and the University CurriculaCommittee
- Started the ‘Bo Buddies Program, in collaboration TCU Outreach Chair, to foster connection between first years and upperclassmen
- Alongside LGBTQ+ TCU Community Senator, spearheaded initiative to create a virtual map of all gender neutral bathrooms on campus and increase signage within academic and dormitory buildings
- Worked alongside student leaders of cultural organizations on campus to demand increased resources and accommodations for religious observances
- Met with members of Inter Greek Council to brainstorm ways to increase inclusivity of Greek Life on campus, streamline rush processes, and improve administrative communication
- Took on the role of TCU Senate Liaison for the Boston Intercollegiate Government Association, connecting Tufts with students from 18 other universities in the Boston area
- Worked with TCU President to oversee body’s initiatives, guide individual Senators on their projects, and oversee all committees
- Advocated to administration for heightened funding and resources allocated to existing and emerging identity centers on campus
As a two-year member of the Allocation Board (ALBO), I have…
- Met with over 50 student organizations and allocated over $210,000 to student organizations on campus
- Listened and voted in favor of hundreds of student organization and club sport funding requests
As Services Committee Chair, I…
- Oversaw Fall Break Shuttle, helping to facilitate low-cost transportation for hundreds of students to reduce travel costs
- Led Textbook Exchange, aiding in the selling of textbooks to reduce course supply costs and lower burden imposed by hidden costs of academic materials
- Led entire planning effort for Class of 2024 Prom, to cultivate community among the Class of 2024 and to provide students with an opportunity they were denied during high school
- Planned a Gender Affirming Clothing drive to ensure all students had access to clothing they felt comfortable and confident in
- Led committee of seven Senators, helping them develop ideas for projects, as well as executing committee initiatives
During my first year in the Senate, I…
- Worked to purchase and distribution nearly 4,000 reusable dining bags for all undergraduates on meal plan as means to reduce waste on campus
- Planned community-oriented events during fall break for students staying on campus, serving as the sole student representative on the Fall Break weekend planning committee
- Sought to heighten accessibility on campus by advocating for increased number of Joey stops, which took effect the year after