Astro Seminars

Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

The seminar generally meets on Fridays at 11am in Room 404 of the Collaborative Learning and Innovation Complex (CLIC) at 574 Boston Ave, Medford, MA 02155.

If you would like to present your research work in this venue, please don’t hesitate to email Jamie Lin.

Spring ’25

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Jan 24, 2025Minjung Park (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Rapid quenching of galaxies at cosmic noon revealed by JWST deep spectroscopy
Jan 31, 2025N/A
Feb 7, 2025Natasha Latouf (George Mason University) *virtualExploring New Worlds with BARBIE and KEN
Feb 14, 2025Sebastian Gomez (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Time Domain Astronomy in the Era of Big Data
Feb 21, 2025Sam Cutler (UMass Amherst)Investigating the Origin of Low-Mass Quiescent Galaxies
Feb 28, 2025CancelledMoved to April 4th
Mar 7, 2025Jensen Lawrence (MIT)Unveiling the Conditions of Gas Giant Formation
Mar 14, 2025Aaron Yung (Space Telescope Science Institute)Three years of searching for the most distant galaxies with JWST and what have we learned so far?
Mar 21, 2025N/ASpring Break
Mar 28, 2025Brackney Pickett (BU)Dust Storm Influence on Thermospheric Gravity Wave Activity
April 4, 2025Noah Vowell (Michigan State University)Using Transiting Brown Dwarfs to Define the Planetary Mass Limit
April 11, 2025
April 18, 2025Teodora Bulichi (MIT)
April 25, 2025Valentina La Torre (Tufts University)
May 2, 2025N/AFinal Exam Period

Fall ’24

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Sep 13, 2024Max Ammons, Lucy Howell, Nehir Ozden, Leo Sajkov, Sophia Truex Tufts Undergraduate Summer Research
Sep 20, 2024Erin Kado-FongChat with Colloquium Speaker
Sep 27, 2024John Weaver (University of Massachusetts Amherst)Resolving the first cosmic beasts and their tensions with JWST/NIRSpec
Oct 4, 2024Daniel Muthukrishna (MIT)From Squiggles to Signals: Using AI for Discovery in Time-Domain Astronomy
Oct 11, 2024N/A
Oct 18, 2024Juliana García-Mejía (MIT)First Light Results from the Tierras Observatory, An Ultra-precise Time-series M-dwarf Photometer
Oct 25, 2024Bernadette Mary Dineen (Tufts University)Searching for Life: Analytical Identification and Characterization of Extraterrestrial Biomarkers in a Martian Environment
Nov 1, 2024Tirna Deb (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Social Life of Galaxies in A2626 Galaxy Cluster and Beyond
Nov 8, 2024Rohan Naidu (MIT)All the Little Things: Seeking Signatures of Pop III Stars and the Protagonists of Reionization with JWST
Nov 15, 2024Vadim Semenov (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Turbulent Formation of First Galaxies and Galactic Disks
Nov 22, 2024Lamiya MowlaChat with Colloquium Speaker
Nov 29, 2024No SeminarThanksgiving Break
Dec 6, 2024Paola Domínguez Fernández (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)AGN jets in merging galaxy clusters

Spring ’24

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Jan 19, 2024 (Room 402)Ana Maria Delgado (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian) Analyzing cosmological-hydrodynamical simulations in light of future optical surveys
Jan 26, 2024Michelle Kunimoto (MIT)Exploring Exoplanet Demographics with Kepler, TESS, and Beyond​
Feb 2, 2024Lou Baya Ould Rouis (BU) Missing Planets around White Dwarfs?
Special Astro Seminar
Feb 8, 2024 at 2-3pm
(STC Room 132)
Alison Duck (Ohio State)Exploring Systematic Errors in the Inferred Parameters of the Transiting Planets
Feb 9, 2024CanceledN/A
Feb 16, 2024Kristina Monsch (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)High-resolution SMA and Pan-STARRS observations of IRAS 23077+6707 (“Dracula’s Chivito“)
Feb 23, 2024Peixin Zhu (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian) A New AGN Photoionization Model and Multi-wavelength Metallicity Diagnostics
Mar 1, 2024Tim Cunningham (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Chat with Colloquium Speaker
Mar 8, 2024Osase Omoruyi (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Feedback in Chaotic Environments: Tying Extremely Powerful AGN Feedback to Beads-on-a-String Star Formation in a Merger-Rich Galaxy Cluster
Special Astro Seminar
Mar 13, 2024 at 2PM
574 Boston Ave Room 206
Chun Huang (Washington University in St. Louis)Cracking Neutron Star Mysteries: Physics Driven Insights into Interior, surface, and Exterior by X-ray Timing results
Mar 15, 2024Freek Roelofs (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Studying magnetic fields, dynamics, and fundamental physics near a black hole with current and future mm-VLBI instruments
Mar 22, 2024No SeminarSpring Break
Mar 29, 2024Pipit Triani (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Dust in galaxy formation model and SED construction pipeline
Apr 5, 2024Sneh Pandya (Northeastern) Learning Galaxy Intrinsic Alignment Correlations
Apr 12, 2024Andrew Mizener (UMass Amherst)Don’t Ignore Your Systematics: A Tale In Two Epochs
Apr 19, 2024Markus RauChat with Colloquium Speaker
Apr 26, 2024Kumail ZaidiStellar-Dark matter halo mass relationship
May 5, 2024

Fall ’23

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Special Astro Seminar
Sep 28, 2023 (Thu 10:30AM)
ChangHoon Hahn (Princeton University) ML x Cosmology with 50 Million Galaxies
Sep 29, 2023Nicholas Martis (Saint Mary’s University)Early Results from the CANUCS JWST Observations
Oct 6, 2023Prof. Dan Clemens (Boston University)Chat with Colloquium Speaker
Oct 13, 2023Prof. Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil (Dartmouth University)Chat with Colloquium Speaker
Oct 20, 2023Allison McCarthy (Boston University) Multiple Patchy Cloud Layers in the Atmosphere of SIMP0136
Oct 27, 2023Ritika Sethi (MIT)Tidal Synchronization and Stellar Activity on Low Mass Eclipsing Binaries with TESS
Oct 31, 2023Benedetta Vulcani (Osservatorio di Padova)The effects of the ICM on gas and star formation histories of galaxies at low redshift
Nov 3, 2023Prof. John Chisholm (UT Austin)Chat with Colloquium Speaker
Nov 10, 2023No SeminarVeteran’s Day
Nov 17, 2023Fabio Pacucci (CfA)Searching for Black Holes From the Nearby to the Faraway Universe
Nov 24, 2023No SeminarThanksgiving
Dec 1, 2023Adina Feinstein (University of Colorado Boulder)Chat with Colloquium Speaker

Spring ’23

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Feb 6, 2023Megan Masterson (MIT) Probing Extreme Accretion Physics with Changing-Look AGN and Tidal Disruption Events
Feb 13, 2023Eric Koch (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)The atomic interstellar medium’s role in the star formation lifecycle: sharpening our view of nearby galaxies with LGLBS and PHANGS-JWST
Feb 20, 2023No SeminarPresident’s Day
Feb 27, 2023Tufts StudentsPresentations on Telescopes
Mar 6, 2023Kevin Croker (University of Hawaii)What’s inside astrophysical black holes?
Mar 13, 2023Andra Stroe (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Shocking tales of structure formation: Evolving galaxies and black holes in evolving environments
Mar 20, 2023No Seminar Spring Break
Mar 27, 2023Itamar Allali (Tufts University)Light Dark Sectors Attempting to Restore Cosmological Concordance
Apr 3, 2023Gourav Khullar (University of Pittsburgh)When and where does star formation stop? Stellar Mass Assembly and Quenching in High-Redshift Galaxies
Apr 14, 2023 (Friday, 3pm)Floor Broekgaarden (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian) TBD
Apr 17, 2023No SeminarPatriots Day
Apr 24, 2023Jesse Han (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)TBD
May 1, 2023TBDTBD

Fall ’22

DATE SPEAKER TITLE (Click for Abstracts)
Sep 30, 2022Claire Lamman (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian) Fake Redshift-Space Distortions: How intrinsic alignment of galaxies will bias clustering statistics for the DESI survey
Oct 7, 2022Ole nig (Remeis Observatory)X-ray detection of a nova in the fireball phase (Zoom link)
Oct 14, 2022Bryanne McDonough (BU)Testing Feedback Models: Resolved Star Formation in Simulated TNG100 Galaxies
Special Astro Seminar
Oct 18, 2022
Room 316 @10:30am
Prof. Kim-Vy Tran (University of New South Wales – Australia)
Galaxy Evolution with ASTRO 3D  (Zoom link)
Special Seminar for graduate students only
Oct 18, 2022
Room 206 @2pm
Prof. Kim-Vy Tran (University of New South Wales – Australia)
Being Captain of Your PhD
Oct 21, 2022Sara Issaoun (NHFP Einstein Fellow at the CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Our supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* across the radio band
Oct 28, 2022Rohan Naidu (NASA Hubble Fellow at MIT Kavli Institute) The First Glimpse of the First Galaxies with JWST
Nov 4, 2022Adina Feinstein (University of Chicago)
Lilianna Houston (University of Denver)
Justin Hudson (Colorado State University)
Tuft Alumni: Where Are They Now and Tips for Grad School Application
Nov 11, 2022No SeminarVeteran’s Day
Nov 18, 2022Jingyi Wang (MIT)Disk, corona, jet connection in black hole X-ray binaries
Nov 25, 2022No SeminarThanksgiving
Dec 2, 2022Minjung Park (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian)Rapid quenching of galaxies at Cosmic Noon: How galaxies grow and die rapidly in the early Universe 
Dec 9, 2022Jed McKinney (University of Texas)Into the Dusty Universe: Obscured Star-formation from Today to Cosmic Noon and Beyond 

Past Astro Seminars

Professor Dimitar Sasselov, Harvard University  
Discussion with the Professor before his colloquium talk.

Jason Reeves, Tufts Undergraduate  
Title: Investigating the Environments of X-ray and IR Detected AGN in the XMM-LSS Field
Abstract: Unified AGN models dictate observed differences in AGN as a result of differences of orientation with respect to the host galaxy. Unification models of AGN are expected to show no differences in the environments around the host galaxy of an AGN. In this study, we demonstrate differences in the environments in which IR and X-ray AGN are detected. Using IR data collected by the HELP survey from the Herschel Space Observatory and X-ray data collected by the XSERVS survey from the Spitzer Space Telescope we compile a sample of 20,064 IR-detected AGN and 4,008 X-ray detected AGN. By analyzing the location of X-ray and IR detected AGN compared to density maps of multiple redshift slices from Krefting et al, 2020 in the range 0.1<z<1.6 we evaluated the density around the host galaxy of an AGN. We find IR AGN are found in denser environments than X-ray AGN and when controlling for the stellar mass of the host galaxies there is a correlation between IR AGN percentage and the density of the surrounding environment.

Andi Gray, Tufts Undergraduate  
Title: Galaxy Cluster Weak Lensing in the Radio
Abstract: We present steps towards the first significant measurement of galaxy cluster-driven weak lensing using only radio data. This work employed a stacked catalog of cluster images, in an attempt to mitigate noise domination from low source-density in any single radio image. At this stage, we report a mass estimate for the cluster stack of 8.405±0.345 × 10^14 [Msol] at 1.68±0.22σ. However, we believe our initial bootstrapped significance analysis likely underestimated this confidence value, especially given the clear strength and profile of the lensing signal. Our progress is discussed in the context of established work in the optical, as well as existing methods involving radio input. Additionally, we motivate the advantages of including radio observations in weak lensing work, highlighting upcoming relevant surveys and science instruments. Finally, we comment on coming improvements to this work, mostly in source screening and algorithm optimization.  

Peter Maksym, Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Center for Astrophysicists
Title: The Galaxy Scale Imprint of the Nuclear Black Hole IC 5063
Abstract: At only ~50 Mpc, IC 5063 hosts one of the most powerful radio Seyfert 2 nuclei in the local universe.  The combination of a bright heavily obscured AGN with powerful outflows directed into the plane of the galaxy makes IC 5063 an intriguing laboratory for the multiwavelength investigation of feedback from an AGN, as well as the galaxy-scale imprint of its ionizing radiation.  I will discuss the presence of novel galaxy-spanning continuum features observed with Hubble in the near-infrared, which are likely caused by either galaxy-scale shadows cast by the torus or by the effects of galaxy-scale lateral outflows on a reflective dusty halo.  I will present high-resolution Hubble narrow-line imaging data that suggests at least some LINER emission is caused by collisionless shocks as AGN outflows propagate into highly ionized precursor material.  I will discuss how high-resolution Chandra imaging spectroscopy supports this picture, and how Hubble and Chandra together describe the transition to Seyfert-like emission in the bicone, resolving hard continuum and Fe K-alpha emission extended on kpc scales, and strong jet-cloud interactions capable of exciting helium-like Fe XXV.  I will also discuss the role of social media in enabling some of these results.

Kalina Nedkova Tufts PhD Student
Title: How Have Galaxies Grown in Mass and Size Over the Last 10 Billion Years?
Abstract: Signatures of the physical mechanisms that drive the formation pathways through which galaxies evolve are imprinted on their structure. In this talk, I will present how we have used a simultaneous multi-wavelength fitting approach to model the structure of HFF and CANDELS galaxies, which has allowed us to measure the sizes of faint, high redshift galaxies. Using these data, we have extended the stellar mass—size relation of galaxies over 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 2 to lower mass galaxies than previously studied at these redshifts. I will discuss key factors, which may be responsible for driving the shape and evolution of the relations that we obtain. Finally, by modeling galaxies as a composition of bulges and disks, we can further investigate mass and size growth as a function of redshift not only of galaxies but individual galaxy components. I will conclude with some preliminary results showing the stellar mass—size relation of bulges and discs, and a brief discussion of the exciting prospects with JWST, Euclid, and the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope.


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