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Category Archives: Africa
Introduction | Atrocities | Fatalities | Ending | Coding | Works Cited | Notes Introduction Mass atrocities against civilians occurred during the first Liberian civil war (1989 – 1996), fought between pro-government groups (ECOWAS, Armed Force of Liberia, LPC, ULIMO-J) … Continue reading →
Posted in Africa
Tagged As planned, International moderating, Liberia, non-state actor, Secondary coding, stalemate
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Sierra Leone
Introduction | Atrocities | Fatalities | Ending | Coding | Works Cited | Notes Introduction By the time war began in Sierra Leone in 1991, the state had already withered, leaving much of the country beyond the capital of Freetown … Continue reading →
Posted in Africa, Defeat
Tagged Defeat, Domestic Moderates, Govt victory, International Intervention, International moderating, Liberia, non-state actor, Sierra Leone, UK, UN
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