This project was created as part of the mass atrocities ending research program, conceived by Alex de Waal and led by Bridget Conley. A number of student research assistants have contributed to the project. Among them are: Ross Weistroffer (who helped conceptualize key components of the case study analysis), Sol Dorotea Iglesias, Claire Duffet, Rebecca Richards, Casey Hogle, Amila Merdzanovic, Fahmina Rahman, Margaret Tiernan, Clint Shoemaker, Lauren Spink, Roberta Sotomaior, Ali Ratib, Saskia Brechenmacher, Andrew Dusek, Sarah Golkar, Felix Jimenz, Kaitlyn Neuberer, Mary Posman, Jonathon Ramteke, Lark Walters, Erica Washburn, and Aditya Sarkar. Special thanks are also due to Chad Hazlett.
- Algeria
- Angola
- As planned
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- China
- Defeat
- Defeat by domestic actors
- Domestic Moderates
- Domestic Rebels
- France
- Germany
- Independence
- India
- Indonesia
- Initiator not worst
- International Intervention
- International moderating
- Iraq
- leadership change
- Liberia
- Mozambique
- Multiple victim groups
- Nigeria
- non-state actor
- Normalize
- Pakistan
- Peacekeepers
- Popular violence
- Portugal
- Resettlement
- Secondary coding
- stalemate
- Strategic shift
- subsequent
- Sudan
- Uganda
- UK
- UN
- US
- Vietnam
- Withdrawal international