Barn Owl


Semi-zygodactyl – 4th digit rotates back

Approximate Hatch Weights:

~15g at hatching

Weight varies by region

Order: Strigiformes
Family: Tytonidae
Common Name: Owls
Region: Broad Range
Chick Type: Altricial
Down: White down
Skin Color: Pink
Bill: Hooked and off-white
Foot Type: Semi-zygodactyl
Gape: Pink
Gape Flanges:
Iris: Dark brown
Legs and Feet: Pink to gray and raptorial legs and feet

Video from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network


~1st Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~1st Week

Photo by anonymous contributor

~2nd Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~2nd Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~2nd Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~2nd Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~2nd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~2nd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~2nd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~2nd Week

Photo by Ingrid Hodel, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~3rd Week - 324g

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week - 324g

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week - 324g

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week

Photo by anonymous contributor

~3rd Week

Photo by Avery Berkowitz

~3rd Week

Photo by Avery Berkowitz

~3rd Week

Photo by Jen Osburn Eliot, Wildlife Images Rehab Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Avery Berkowitz

~3rd Week

Photo by Avery Berkowitz

~3rd Week

Photo from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

~4th Week

Photo by Andy Cunningham, Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~4th Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~4th Week

Photo by Brenda Varvarigos

~4th Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

~4th Week

Photo from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

~4th Week

Photo by Ingrid Hodel, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

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