~17 days from start of egg incubation to fledging
Fledges ~6-7 days from hatching
White papillae in mouth normal
Approximate Hatch Weights:
~7.4g at hatching
~8.5g by 1 day old
~28.5g by 7 days old
Order: Cuculiformes
Family: Cuculidae
Common Name: Cuckoos
Region: Eastern
Chick Type: Altricial
Down: Sparse white down
Skin Color: Black
Bill: Curved slightly downward and gray
Foot Type: Zygodactyl
Gape: Red with symmetrical white spots
Gape Flanges: White to pale pink
Iris: Dark brown
Legs and Feet: Gray to brown legs and feet
~2nd Week - 26g

Photo by Selimah Harmon, Tufts Wildlife Clinic