Canada Goose


Approximate Hatch Weights:

~68-103g at hatching (varies by subspecies)

Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Common Name: Waterfowl
Region: Broad Range
Chick Type: Precocial
Down: Brown and yellow down then gray down
Skin Color:
Bill: Broad and black
Foot Type: Palmate
Gape: Gray to pink
Gape Flanges: None
Iris: Brown to light gray
Legs and Feet: Gray to black or yellowish legs and feet

Video from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

Video by Ceacy Henderson


Just Hatched

Photo by Jen Osburn Eliot, Wildlife Images Rehab Center

~1st Week

Photo by Moira Ashleigh

~1st Week

Photo by Andy Cunningham, Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~1st Week

Photo from The Wildlife Center of Virginia

~1st Week

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~1st Week

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~1st Week - 99g

Photo by Dane County Humane Society's Wildlife Center

~1st Week

Photo by Kevin Shepherd, WildCare Oklahoma

~1st Week

Photo by Jen Osburn Eliot, Wildlife Images Rehab Center

~1st Week

Photo by Jen Osburn Eliot, Wildlife Images Rehab Center

~1st Week

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~1st Week

Photo by Jen Osburn Eliot, Wildlife Images Rehab Center

~1st Week

Photo by Avery Berkowitz

~1st Week - 104g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~1st Week - 104g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~1st Week - 104g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~2nd Week

Photo by Aaron Budgor

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~2nd Week - 302g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~2nd Week - 302g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~2nd Week - 546g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week - 555g

Photo from Nebraska Wildlife Rehab, scale in centimeters

~3rd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~3rd Week - 644g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz

~3rd Week

Photo by Kevin Shepherd, WildCare Oklahoma

~3rd Week - 784g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week - 936g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week - 936g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week - 936g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Kintz, WildCare Oklahoma

~4th Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~4th Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~4th Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~4th Week

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

~4th Week - 1602g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

>4 Weeks - 928g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

>4 Weeks

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo from the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo from The Wildlife Center of Virginia

>4 Weeks - 1730g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

>4 Weeks - 886g

Photo by Paula Rodriguez, Tufts Wildlife Clinic

>4 Weeks

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo by Jessie Zamichow, Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network

>4 Weeks

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

>4 Weeks - 2533g

Photo from Tufts Wildlife Clinic

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