Curve-billed Thrasher


Range restricted to southwestern states

Approximate Hatch Weights:

~5.5g at hatching

~53g at fledging

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Mimidae
Common Name: Mockingbirds/Thrashers
Region: Western
Chick Type: Altricial
Down: Sparse gray down
Skin Color: Pink
Bill: Straight and pink to gray
Foot Type: Anisodactyl
Gape: Yellow
Gape Flanges: Cream-colored
Iris: Brown to light gray
Legs and Feet: Pink to brown legs and feet


~1st Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~1st Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~1st Week

Photo by Laura Siegel, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~1st Week

Photo by Laura Siegel, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Laura Siegel, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Stephanie Lindsell, New Mexico Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Ashley Kramer, Tuscon Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Ashley Kramer, Tuscon Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Ashley Kramer, Tuscon Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Ashley Kramer, Tuscon Wildlife Center

~3rd Week

Photo by Lee Marcus

~4th Week - 55g

Photo from New Mexico Wildlife Center

~4th Week - 55g

Photo from New Mexico Wildlife Center

~4th Week - 55g

Photo from New Mexico Wildlife Center

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Siegel, New Mexico Wildlife Center

>4 Weeks

Photo by Laura Siegel, New Mexico Wildlife Center

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