Approximate Hatch Weights:
~49-54g at hatching
Females ~2179g by 60 days old
Males ~2465g by 60 days old
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Ardeidae
Common Name: Herons/Egrets/Bitterns
Region: Broad Range
Chick Type: Semi-Altricial
Down: Gray down
Skin Color: Pink
Bill: Long and straight and grayish then yellow with black
Foot Type: Semi-palmate
Gape: Pink
Gape Flanges: None
Iris: Yellow
Legs and Feet: Yellowish legs and feet
>4 Weeks

Photo by Ciera Duits-Cavanaugh, The SPCA for Monterey County
>4 Weeks

Photo by Ciera Duits-Cavanaugh, The SPCA for Monterey County