Virginia Rail


Approximate Hatch Weights:

~5-8g at hatching

Order: Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae
Common Name: Rails/Gallinules/Coots
Region: Broad Range
Chick Type: Precocial
Down: Black down
Skin Color: Black
Bill: Long and straight and pinkish with black band
Foot Type: Semi-palmate
Gape Flanges:
Iris: Black
Legs and Feet: Black to brown legs and feet


~1st Week

Photo by Kat Rasp, International Bird Rescue

~1st Week

Photo by Elise Wolf, Native Bird Care

~1st Week

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

~1st Week

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

~1st Week

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

~1st Week

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

~1st Week

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

~1st Week

Photo by anonymous contributor

>4 Weeks

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

>4 Weeks

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

>4 Weeks

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

>4 Weeks

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

>4 Weeks

Photo by Brittany Turner, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota

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