Tufts University Biological Resilience Symposium
October 16th, 2021
Tufts University, Medford Campus, Robinson Hall Room 253 (2-6pm)
The Tufts University Department of Biology is hosting an afternoon of research talks focusing on the theme of biological resilience. Talks will be given by members of the Biology Faculty as well as BRII Graduate Fellows
Faculty Speakers
Mitch McVey – Mimi Kao – Michael Reed – Julia Gouvea

BRII Graduate Fellow Speakers
Emilie Jones – Ursula Beattie – Isaac Weinberg – Brendan Carson

*Keynote Lecture*
Following talks by Faculty and Fellows, Nina Fefferman, of the University of Tennessee Departments of Ecology and Evolution & Mathematics,
will deliver a keynote lecture via Zoom relating to the theme of resilience

Reception with food and beverages, 6-7pm