Fathers’ UpLift provides mental health counseling, coaching, and advocacy to assist fathers with overcoming barriers (racism, emotional, traumatic, and addiction-based barriers) that prevent them from remaining engaged in their children’s lives. While there are some services offered towards women, the focus of this organization is to serve the mental health needs of men and boys of color from low-income communities.
In a time where fathers are beginning to take up a more diverse role in parenting, The Fatherhood Project seeks to help fathers redefine a more involved and expanded of fatherhood. From offering training services to healthcare and metal health professionals on the importance of the the role of the father to direct services programs meant to strengthen father-child relationships, the Fatherhood Project offers a number of resources to help fathers with parenting.
The social services sector of CRJ supports men leaving incarceration transition back into society. They are a network of eight residential reentry centers operated under contracts with federal, state, and county agencies. The division also runs a residential program for young adults with complex clinical needs.
The Father Friendly Initiative is meant to give men the opportunities to involve themselves in their families and communities. The initiative encourages participants to become emotional, financial, and nurturing resources for their children and offers a number of opportunities for growth.