Risk Analysis

We underwent failure modes and effects analysis as derived from a fault tree analysis and a task analysis to identify hazards and possible failure states. These are attached below, along with revision notation, etc.

Task Failure Analysis (DOWNLOAD)

Fault Tree Analysis (DOWNLOAD)


REV3 (3/28/2023): Added task failure analysis to better characterize failure modes, integrated this with fault tree and FMEA
REV2 (3/12/2023): Added additional initial hazard events (denaturation, experimental spill) with limited causal trees.
REV1: Init

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DOWNLOAD)

Relevant Revisions

REV4 (3/28/2023): Edited FMEA to meet task failure analysis
REV3 (3/27/2023): Edited FMEA to meet traceability matrix edits (REV6)
REV2 (3/23/23): FMEA now matches FTA end nodes, reorganized certain nodes to group functional outputs that have similar solutions and/or hazards.
REV1: Init