Bibliographic Databases


WorldCat. Includes records from the RLG Union Catalog and contains over 62 million records for books and materials in over 10,000 libraries worldwide; updated daily. 

COPAC. Merged online catalogues of major University and National Libraries in the UK and Ireland, including the British Library.

Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK).  Allows users to search the catalogues of multiple German, Swiss, and Austrian libraries; other international libraries can be selected as well.

OPAC indice SBN (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale)Union catalog of over 2,000 Italian libraries.

SUDOC (Système universitaire de documentation). Combined catalogs of French academic libraries; see also the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.


L’Année Philologique (1924-> ). Online  edition of the annual bibliography of classical studies.

Bibliotheca Classica SelectaFocuses primarily on monographs rather than journal articles and is searchable by subject.

Dyabola.  Leading online access to the subject catalogs of publications of the history of art and classical archaeology

Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank.  Not as complete as the CD-ROM version, but good from 1997  on.   Tisch Reference CD-Rom: PA3 .G62 ed.14 (2008)

TOCS-IN  (Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists )Indexes approximately 160 journals (1992 onwards), including core titles in Classics, Archaeology, and Religion and Near Eastern Studies.  Another useful resource for filling in the L’Année philologique publication gap.

Zenon DAI (Zentraler Online-Katalog des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts). Guide to Zenon DAI is available from the Clark Art Institute.

Oxford Bibliographies


Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB). Includes the volumes 1947 to 2001, some 46,000 titles in total; from  May 25th 2008 the database also contains 350 new (preliminary) titles from 2002.  

Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale (BCM). Primarily monographs. Unless you uncheck  IMB, the form searches both databases together.

British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography.  This former freestanding BIAB has been absorbed into the larger ADS resource. To search ADS and locate the BIAB records, start by searching for information on a specific location, for example. Once you have a set of results, use the limiter under the heading “Access Type” in the upper left on the results page, to choose “Bibliographic ref.” This will limit the results mostly to citations that were originally included as part of the BIAB.

Bulletin analytique d’histoire romaine. Searches records from 1984-present, but most complete from 1990.

Bulletin de Médecine Ancienne . Collects bibliographic information on the study of ancient medicine.

Bibliographie internationale de l’Humanisme et de la Renaissance. An annual bibliography of books and articles relating to European Humanism and the Renaissance. Sources may be historical, political, artistic, literary, philosophical, technical, economic, etc. The terms ‘humanism’ and ‘renaissance’ are intended in a broad sense, both in terms of content and chronology. Emphasis is on, but not strictly limited to, the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries. Coverage begins in 1965.

Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.

CLAROS: Concordance of Greek Inscriptions (Diccionario Griego-Español). An electronic database containing the successive publications of epigraphical Greek texts re-edited during the last 125 years (and before).

FoLIVM (Fons Litterarum Iuris Veterum & Medii aevi).

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens.

International Medieval Bibliography (IMB). (1967-). Primarily articles. Unless you uncheck BCM, the form searches both databases together.

Iter: The Bibliography of Medieval and Renaissance Europe from 400-1700

Leuven Database of Ancient Books. A resource for all ancient written literary manuscripts, from 500 BC to AD 800. It currently lists more than 16.000 Greek, Latin, Coptic, Syriac and Demotic literary texts. a resource for all ancient written literary manuscripts, from 500 BC to AD 800. It currently lists more than 16.000 Greek, Latin, Coptic, Syriac and Demotic literary texts.

Nestor: Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas, 1957-2004.
An international bibliography of Aegean, eastern Mediterranean and southeastern European prehistory, Homeric society, Indo European linguistics, and related fields.

Regesta Imperii OPAC. One of the largest databases for European History from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance (16th century).