
Bischoff, Bernhard, Latin Palaeography : Antiquity and the Middle AgesTr. Dáibhí ó Cróinin and David Ganz. Cambridge [England]/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.  Tisch Book Stacks Z114. B5713 1990

Boyle, Leonard E., Medieval Latin Palaeography: A Bibliographical Introduction. Toronto/Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1984. Tisch Book Stacks Z106. B68 1984

Cappelli, Adriano. Lexicon abbreviaturarum: dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane usate nelle carte e codici specialmente del medio-evo riprodotte con oltre 14000 segni incisi…, Milan: U. Hoepli, 1979. Tisch Reference Z111 .C24 1979

Cappelli, Adriano: Lexicon Abbreviaturarum2. verb. Aufl. Leipzig 1928.

Cappelli, Adriano, tr. D. Heinmann, R. Kay, The Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Libraries, 1982. Tisch Book Stacks Z111 .C2313 1982 c.1

Groningen, B. A. van , Short Manual of Greek Palaeography.  Leyden, Sythoff, 1963.  Tisch Book Stacks Z114. G7 1963

In Principio: Incipit Index of Latin Texts.   Inevitable research tool for all those scholars and libraries interested in the writers, texts and manuscripts of Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Iter Italicum Accedunt Alia Itinera. CD-ROM database of uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued humanistic manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other libraries. Compiled by P.O. Kristeller ; consultant editor, Luciano Floridi. Leiden /New York: E.J. Brill, 1995. Tisch Circulation Desk PA57. I83 1995