- “Doing and Knowing: A commentary on ‘Physical Time within Human Time,'” in Timing & Time Perception, October 17th, 2023, pp. 1-3.
- “We are all cherry-pickers,” draft, June 19th, 2023.
- “The Problem with Counterfeit People,” The Atlantic, online May 16th, 2023.
- “Haig’s ‘strange inversion of reasoning.'” June, 2023.
- “Am I a fictionalist?” In: Demeter, T., Parent, T., and Toon, A. (eds) Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations, Routledge, 2022, pp. 352-61.
- “Engineering, Daydreaming, and Control,” In: Casati, R. (eds) The Sailing Mind. Studies in Brain and Mind, vol 19. Springer, Cham., 2022.
- Commentary on Mark Richard, Meanings as Species, Inquiry, DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2022.2039852, 2022.
- Acceptance Speech, Honorary Degree Ceremony, Commencement, American University of Beirut, June 9th, 2022.
- “Free Will As An Achievement,” Honorary Degree Ceremony speech, Commencement, American University of Beirut, June 9th, 2022.
- “Closing the Theatre,” interview in Philosophers on Consciousness: Talking about the Mind, Jack Symes (ed.), 2022, pp. 101-12.
- “A Route to Intelligence: Oversimplify and Self-monitor,” in S. Wuppuluri and I. Stewart (eds.) From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of Content and Context, Springer–The Frontiers Collection,, 2022, pp. 587-95.
- Vasilyev V., Olson E., Stoljar D., McGinn C., Frankish K., Dennett D. “Discussion. Local Natural Supervenience and Causation”, Date Palm Compote, 2021, No. 6, pp. 2–27.
- review of of On Philosophy and Philosophers: Unpublished papers, 1960-2000 by Richard Rorty, ed by W.P Malecki and Chris Voparil, CUP, 2020, in Philosophy Now, Issue 147, December 2021/January 2022.
- “The User-Illusion of Consciousness,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 28, No. 11-12, 2021, pp. 166-77.
- “The Evolution of Cognitive Viruses,” commentary on Synthese issue on Cultural Evolution, forthcoming in 2021.
- Daniel Dennett (2021). Turings seltsame Umkehrung der Argumentation. Was uns Darwins Evolutionstheorie über künstliche Intelligenz verrät. In: Anna Strasser, Wolfgang Sohst, Ralf Stapelfeldt, Katja Stepec [eds.], Künstliche Intelligenz – Die große Verheißung. Reihe: MoMo Berlin Philosophische KonTexte Bd. 8, xenomoi Verlag, Berlin. translated into German by Anna Strasser & Ralf Stapelfeldt.
- Christopher Taylor and Daniel Dennett, “Rearguing Consequential Questions: A Reply to Gustafsson,” 2021.
- Editor’s foreword to Special Issue of American Philosophical Quarterly,”Cultural Evolution and Generalized Darwinism: Theory and Applications,” Vol. 58, No. 1, January 2021, pp. 1-6.
- Natura non facit saltum, Editor’s Forward to Special Issue: Cultural Evolution and Generalized Darwinism: Theory and Applications, American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 58, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 1-6.
- “On Solms,” Neuropsychoanalysis, 22:1-2, 51-52, DOI: 10.1080/15294145.2021.1878607.
- “The rationale of rationalization,” W. Veit, J. Dewhurst, K. Dolega, M. Jones, S. Stanley, K. Frankish, and D. Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Volume 43, April 23rd, 2020, pp. 41-2.
- “Herding Cats and Free Will Inflation,” Romanell lecture delivered at the one hundred seventeenth annual Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, February 28th, 2020.
- A letter exchange with Alex Rosenberg, November 2020.
- Answer to the question “How Do We Become A Serious People Again?” The Guardian, online, October 24th, 2020.
- “Cognition all the way down,” with Michael Levin, Aeon online, October 13th, 2020.
- Review of The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous, by Joseph Henrich, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York Times, September 12th, 2020.
- Foreword to Elle the Humanist, Elle Harris, Douglas Harris, Yip Jar (Illustrator), Label Free Publishing, LLC (September 1, 2020), ISBN-10 : 1734001348.
- Persian translation (by Amir Maniee) of From Bacteria To Bach And Back, download here.
- “A challenge: can self-monitoring be achieved without consciousness?” Forthcoming in J. Weisberg, ed., Qualitative Consciousness: Themes from the Philosophy of David Rosenthal, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- “Explaining or redefining mindreading?” with K. Dolega and T. Schlicht,C ommentary/Veissiere et al, “Thinking Through Other Minds,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2020, pp. 34-5, doi:10.1017/S0140525X19002772, e101.
- Foreword to David Haig, From Darwin to Derrida, MIT Press, 2020, pp. xi-xix.
- “On track to a standard model,” in Cognitive Neuropsychology, 37:3-4, 173-175, DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2020.1731443, 2020.
- “The Age of post-intelligent design,” Chapter 15 of From Bacteria to Bach and Back, reprinted in The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Steven S. Gouveia, ed., Vernon Press, pp. 27-62, 2020.
- “What Can We Do?” in Possible Minds: 25 Ways of Looking at AI, J. Brockman, ed., 2019, Chapter 5.
- “Autonomy, Consciousness, and Freedom.” The Amherst Lecture in Philosophy 14 (2019): 1–22.
- “Mending wall,” Charles Rathkopf and Daniel C. Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, In response to C. Heyes, Précis of Cognitive Gadgets – The Cultural Evolution of Thinking, 42, e169, DOI, Published online by Cambridge University Press, 12 September 2019, pp. 32-3.
- “Welcome to Strong Illusionism,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 26, Numbers 9-10, 2019, pp. 48-58(11).
- “Clever Evolution,” review of Samir Okasha: Agents and goals in evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, in Metascience,, published online August 22, 2019.
- A contribution to “Remembering Murray,”, May 2019.
- Persian translation (by Amir Maniee) of Breaking the Spell, download here. Plus a word from the translator.
- “Philosophy or Auto-Anthropology?” Reply to target article “Armchair Philosophy” by Tim Williamson, in Russian journal Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2019, pp. 26-8, DOI: 10.5840/eps201956224.
- “Review of Other Minds: the octopus, the sea and the deep origins of consciousness,” Biology & Philosophy (2019) 34:2,
- “Explaining the ‘Magic’ of Consciousness,” translated into Ukranian, to be published in Психологія і Суспільство (Psychology and Society), 2018.
- “Facing up to the hard question of consciousness,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Volume 373, issue 1755, 19 September 2018, pp.
- ‘Magic, Illusions, and Zombies’: An Exchange, Daniel C. Dennett, reply by Galen Strawson, The New York Review of Books, March 13 and April 3, 2018.
- “Getting by with a little help from my friends,” Enoch Lambert and Daniel Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41 (2018), pp. 29-30.
- “The Fantasy of First-Person Science,” Shyam Wuppuluri, Francisco Antonio Doria (Eds), The Map and the Territory: Exploring the foundations of science, thought and reality, foreword by Sir Roger Penrose, afterword by Dagfinn Follesdal, Springer — The Frontiers Collection, 2018, pp. 455-73.
- “Philosophy Will Go On Going Out On Limbs,” The Philosophers’ Magazine 20th Anniversary Issue, Issue 80, 1st Quarter 2018, pp. 88-9.
- Simposio sobre el libro/Book Symposium, From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds in Teorema, Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Vol. XXXVII/3 • 2018, with numerous articles about FBBB and responses by Dennett, pp. 103-223.
- “Thinking like animals or thinking like colleagues?” Daniel Dennett and Enoch Lambert, Commentary/Lake et al.: “Building machines that learn and think like people,” Behavioral and Brain Sciencs, 40/2017, pp. 34-5.
- Nicholas Humphrey, “The Invention of Consciousness,” Topoi, 9th August 2017, pp. 1-9 (Humphrey, N. Topoi (2017).
- A History of Qualia,” in Topoi, 23rd October 2017, pp. 1-8 (Dennett, D.C. Topoi (2017).
- “Papineau vs. Dennett: a philosophical dispute,” Times Literary Supplement, August 4th, 2017, pp. 15-16.
- “Philosophy as the Las Vegas of Rational Inquiry,” for Free Inquiry Magazine Special Issue, Vol. 37, No. 5, August/September 2017, pp. 22-3.
- “The electronic age has triggered epistemological chaos,” Prospect, July 19th, 2017.
- “Truth and Transparency,” Commencement Address to the 2017 Graduating class of Trinity College, May 21st, 2017.
- “Fake News Isn’t The Greatest Threat To Democracy. Total Transparency Is.” Huffington Post, March 31st, 2017.
- “Darwin and the Overdue Demise of Essentialism,” in D.L. Smith (ed.) How Biology Shapes Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 9-22.
- “Jonathan Bennett’s Rationality,” in E. Schliesser (ed.) Ten Neglected Classics, Oxford University Press, pp. 256-71.
- “Did HAL Commit Murder? (Part 3 and Final),” AIQS News 75, December 2016, pp. 39-43.
- “Illusionism as the Obvious Default Theory of Consciousness,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23, No. 11–12, 2016, pp. 65–72.
- Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, No. 5927, November 4th, 2016, p. 6.
- “Donald Trump: reflections on the chaos,” Times Literary Supplement online, November 10, 2016.
- “What to Do While Religions Evolve before Our Very Eyes,” The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 273-82, and “Reply to Dennett,” Philip Kitcher, pp. 283-7.
- “Where Am I?” translated into Hebrew, Alaxon, August 25th, 2016.
- “Authority and Skepticism,” Skeptical Inquirer, September/October 2016, Vol. 40, No. 5, 40th Anniversary Issue, p. 54.
- “What is the Bandwidth of Perceptual Experience?” with Michael Cohen and Nancy Kanwisher, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, May 2016, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 324-35 (
- Afterword for Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion 10th anniversary edition, Penguin Random House, 2016, pp. 421-6.
- “A Vision of Life, in Molecular Detail,” with N. Renedo and P. Forber, commentary on Dawkins “This is my Vision of Life,” on, April 2015.
- “Why and How Does Consciousness Seem the Way it Seems?” In T. Metzinger & J.M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(T). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570245.
- “How our Belief in Qualia Evolved, and Why We Care so much – A Reply to David H. Baßler.” In T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds). Open MIND: 10(R). Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. doi: 10.15502/9783958570665.
- “The Friar’s Fringe of Consciousness,” Structures in the mind: essays on language, music, and cognition in honor of Ray Jackendoff, eds. I. Toivonen, P. Csuri, E. Van Der Zee, 2015, pp. 371-8.
- “The singularity–an urban legend?” What to think about machines that think, ed. John Brockman, Harper Collins, 2015, pp. 85-88.
- Foreword to Content and Consciousness Revisited, eds. C. Muñoz-Suárez and F. De Brigard, Springer, 2015, pp. v-x.
- “Not Just a Fine Trip Down Memory Lane: Comments on the Essays on Content and Consciousness,” Chapter 11, Content and Consciousness Revisited, eds. C. Muñoz-Suárez and F. De Brigard, Springer, 2015, pp. 199-220.
- Preface to the New Edition of Elbow Room, MIT Press, 2015, pp. ix-xii.
- “Which Contemporary Habits Will Be Most Unthinkable 100 Years From Now,?” The Atlantic, June 2015 issue.
- “¿Por qué el futuro de la religión es poco prometedor?” translation by Atilio V. Falco.
- “Why the Future of Religion is Bleak,” The Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2015.
- “Our Transparent Future: No secret is safe in the digital age. The implications for our institutions are downright Darwinian,” with Deb Roy, Scientific American, March 2015, Volume 312, Issue 3, pp. 64-69.
- Foreword to Life Driven Purpose by Dan Barker, Pitchstone Publishing, Durham, NC, 2015, pp. 11-14.
- My Year at CASBS.
- “What is the ontological status of the mind?” an entry in Gavagai Philosophy Journal, periodiko 135 teliko 1, 2015, p. 208.
- “What Neuroscience will tell us about Moral Responsibility” for Rome Parliament discussion, January 2015, forthcoming publication.
- “Secularists: We’re Fine Without God, Thanks,” letter to the editor, The New York Times, February 5th, 2015.
- “Are we free? Neuroscience gives the wrong answer,” Prospect, October 2014.
- “What Is Dreaming for, If Anything?” in Dream Consciousness: Alan Hobson’s New Approach to the Brain and Its Mind, ed. N. Tranquillo, Springer, 2014, pp. 113-17 and (Alan Hobson’s comment) 251-6.
- “Daniel Dennett on Free Will Worth Wanting,” in Philosophy Bites Again, eds. D. Edmonds & N. Warburton, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 125-33.
- “Dennett on Normativity,” August 25th, 2014.
- “Commentary on Kamphorst and Kalis” in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 76/2014, p. 583. This paper is a response to “Lectur en repliek – Erasmus: Sometimes a Spin Doctor is Right – Why Having One’s Rationality Openly Exploited Might Be Considered Manipulation,”” by Bart Kamphorst and Annemarie Kalis (Utrecht), Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 76/2014, p. 579-82.
- “The Software/Wetware Distinction: Comment on “Unifying approaches from cognitive neuroscience and comparative cognition” by W Tecumseh Fitch,” Physics of Life Reviews, 2014, Fitch’s target article is here and Fitch’s response to my Comment is here.
- An interview in Science and Religion: 5 Questions, ed. Gregg D. Caruso, Automatic Press, 2014, pp. 55-8.
- “If I Ruled the World,” Prospect Magazine,February 2014.
- “Artifactual Selves: a Response to Lynn Rudder Baker,” Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences, March 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11097-014-9359-x, (request the pdf here).
- “Reflections on Free Will“, review of Sam Harris’ Free Will, Free Press, 2012, online at, January 2014.
- “The Evolution of Reasons,” in Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications, eds. B. Bashour and H.D. Muller, Routledge, 2014, pp. 47-62.
- Foreword to Richard Rorty: Mind, Language, and Metaphilosophy, eds. J. Tartaglia and S. Leach, Cambridge University Press, 2014, p. vii.
- “Living without the internet for a couple of weeks,” in What Should We Be Worried About? ed. J. Brockman, Harper Perennial, 2014, pp. 14-6.
- “Phénoménologie de l’humour,” Matthew M. Hurley, Daniel C. Dennett and Reginald B. Jr. Adams, in Terrain, September 2013, pp. 16-39.
- “Dennett on Wieseltier v. Pinker in the New Republic,”, September 10, 2013.
- “The normal, well-tempered mind,” Thinking, ed. John Brockman, Harper Perennial, 2013, pp. 1-18.
- Introduction to Bertrand Russell’s The Conquest of Happiness, reissued by Liveright Publishing, 2013, pp. ?.
- “Turing’s ‘Strange Inversion of Reasoning,‘” Alan Turing: His Work and Impact, S. B. Cooper, J. van Leeuwen eds., Elsevier, 2013, pp. 569-573.
- “Aching Voids and Making Voids,” review of Terrence Deacon’s Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged From Matter, in The Quarterly Review of BiologyVol. 88, No. 4, December 2013, pp. 321-4.
- ”Talk about the weather,” in New Statesman 31 May – 6 June 2013, pp. 26-7.
- ”Are criminals born or made?” review of The Anatomy of Violence: The biological roots of crime by Adrian Raine, in Prospect May 2013, pp. 64-8.
- ”Expecting ourselves to expect: The Bayesian brain as a projector,” Commentary on Andy Clark, “Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science,”Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2013) 36:3, pp. 29-30, (request the pdf here).
- ”What are dreams for, if anything?” for the volume on Allan Hobson’s theory of dreams, forthcoming.
- Letter to Skeptical Inquirer January/February 2013, Vol. 37, No. 1, p. 16.
- ”Kinds of Things—Towards a Bestiary of the Manifest Image,” Scientific Metaphysics, D.Ross, J. Ladyman and H. Kincaid, eds., Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 96-107.
- Foreword to Millikan and Her Critics, eds. D. Ryder, J. Kingsbury, K Williford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp.
- “Ye of little faith,” letter to the editor, Harper’s Magazine, February 2012, p. 4.
- “The sleep of reason: do atheists improve the stock?” Ryan McKay and Daniel Dennett, Religion, Brain & Behavior, 2012, pp. 78-80.
- “The Mystery of David Chalmers,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 19, No. 1-2, 2012, pp. 86-95.
- “Erasmus: Sometimes a Spin Doctor is Right,” Praemium Erasmianum Essay 2012, Essay written for the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus Prize, Amsterdam, November 2012.
- Letter to Prospect Magazine, December 2012, p. 14.
- review of Against Moral Responsibility by Bruce Waller, MIT Press 2011, in, October 2012; Dennett’s rejoinder to Clark’s response to the review can be found here.
- Letter to Philosophy Now September/October 2012, p.34.
- ”’A Perfect and Beautiful Machine’: What Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence,” The Atlantic, June 22nd, 2012.
- Contribution to Discussion, reply to Steven Pinker’s essay, “The False Allure of Group Selection,” June 18, 2012.
- “How to Save the Global Economy: Take a Vacation,” Foreign Policy, The Economy Issue, January 11, 2012.
- ”Sakes and Dints, Commentary in Times Literary Supplement, March 2, 2012, pp. 12-14.
- “Cycles,” an essay in response to the question, “What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody’s Cognitive Toolkit?” in, then published in John Brockman, ed., This Will Make You Smarter, New York: Harper Torchbook, 2011 .
- ”The social cell: What do debutante balls, the Japanese tea ceremony, Ponzi schemes and doubting clergy all have in common?” in New Statesman, December 19th, 2011.
- ”A lesson from Hitch: When rudeness is called for,” On Faith article for the Washington Post, December 18th, 2011.
- “Consciousness cannot be separated from function,” Michael A. Cohen and Daniel C. Dennett, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, August 2011, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 358-64.
- ”A true science of consciousness explains phenomenology: comment on Cohen and Dennett,” Johannes J. Fahrenfort and Victor A.F. Lamme, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, March 2012, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 138-9.
- ”Response to Fahrenfort and Lamme: defining reportability, accessibility and sufficiency in conscious awareness,” by Michael A. Cohen and Daniel C. Dennett, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, March 2012, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 139-40; and check out the blogspot The Splintered Mind by Eric Schwitzgebel (“Cohen and Dennett on Reportability and Consciousness”).
- “Shall we tango? No, but thanks for asking,” comments on Evan Thompson, Mind in Life, in Journal of Consciousness Studies, special issue on Evan Thompson, Vol. 18, No. 5-6, 2011, pp. 23-34.
- “My Brain Made Me Do It: When Neuroscientists Think They Can Do Philosophy” Max Weber Lecture Series, European University Institute, Florence, December 15th, 2010.:
- “Homunculi rule: Reflections on Darwinian populations and natural selection by Peter Godfrey Smith, Oxford University Press 2009,” in Biology and Philosophy published online December 21st, 2010.
- “The New Replicators,” in The Encyclopedia of Evolution, Ed. Mark Pagel, Oxford University Press, 2002, 2005; e-reference edition, December 2010,
- “Multi-use and constraints from original use,” Justin A. Junge and Daniel C. Dennett,”Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2010), volume 33, issue 04, pp. 277-8, Commentary on Michael L. Anderson, Neural reuse: A fundamental organizational principle of the brain,” pp. 245-66.
- “The Unbelievable Truth: Why America has become a nation of religious know-nothings,” in New York Daily News, October 3rd, 2010.
- “Who’s Still Afraid of Determinism? Rethinking Causes and Possibilities,” Christopher Taylor and Daniel Dennett, for Kane, ed. The Free Will Handbook, O.U.P.
- Foreword to The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life, by Paul Seabright, Princeton University Press, 2010, pp. xi-xiv.
- “The unbelievers,” an interview by Drake Bennett in The Boston Globe, April 11, 2010.
- “Preachers who are not Believers,” Evolutionary Psychology, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March, 2010, pp. 122-50.
- Keep up with On Faith postings and discussion at Faith Street
- Introduction to This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape The Future, J. Brockman, ed., Harper Perennial, 2010, pp. xxii-xxiii.
- Interviewed by Julian Baggini in the philosophers’ magazine, issue 48, 1st quarter 2010, pp. 60-5.
- “This very exploration is changing everything,” an entry in What will change everything?, 2009.
- ”What is it like to be a robot?” review of David McFarland’s Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds in BioScience, Vol. 59, No. 8 (September 2009), pp. 707-9.
- “Two Black Boxes: A Fable,” reprinted from Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Simon & Schuster Publishers, 1995, pp. 412-18, in Activitas Nervosa Superior 2009; 52:2, 81-84.
- “The Cultural Evolution of Words and Other Thinking Tools,” Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol, Vol. LXXIV, August, 2009.
- “The Evolution of Misbelief,” with Ryan T. McKay, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 2009, pp. 493-561.
- Book review of Owen Flanagan, The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World, in The Philosophical Review, volume 118, Number 3, July 2009, pp. 402-6.
- ”Multiple drafts model,” The Oxford Companion to Consciousness, T. Bayne, A. Cleeremans, P. Wilken, eds., Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 452-4.
- ”Heterophenomenology,” The Oxford Companion to Consciousness by Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans and Patrick Wilken. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Tufts University. 13 September 2012
- “The Part of Cognitive Science That Is Philosophy,” Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009), pp. 231û6.
- “Darwin’s ‘strange inversion of reasoning,’” PNAS vol. 106, June 16th, 2009, suppl. 1, pp. 10061-5
- “Banishing ‘I’ and ‘we’ from accounts of metacognition,” with Bryce Huebner, Behavioral and Brain Sciences Volume 32:2 April 2009, pp. 148-9
- “Intentional Systems Theory,” Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Mind B. McLaughlin, A. Beckermann, S. Walter, eds., OUP, 2009, pp. 339-50
- Interview, Evolutionary Theory: 5 Questions, G. Oftedal, J. Friis, P. Rossel and M.S. Norup, eds., Automatic Press, 2009, pp. 16-21.
- Letter to the Editor, New York Times, October 25th, 2009.
- “Some observations on the psychology of thinking about free will,” in Baer, Baumeister and Kaufmann,(eds.) Are we free?: psychology and free will, 2008, Oxford University Press, pp. 248-59.
- “The computational perspective,” Science at the Edge: Conversations with the Leading Scientific Thinkers of Today, J. Brockman, ed., Union Square Press, New York, 2008, pp. 115-27.
- On Faith postings at the Washington Post.
- “Descartes’s Argument from Design,” The Journal of Philosophy, Volume CV, Number 7, July 2008, pp. 333-45
- “Astride the Two Cultures: A letter to Richard Powers, Updated,” Intersections: Essays on Richard Powers S.J. Burn and P. Dempsey, eds., pp. 151-61.
- Autobiographical Essay, Part 1, in Philosophy Now, July/August, 2008, pp. 22-6.
- Autobiographical Essay, Part 2, in Philosophy Now, Issue 69 September/October 2008, pp. 21-5.
- Autobiographical Essay, Part 3, in Philosophy Now, November/December, 2008, pp. 24-5.
- An entry in Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 questions, ed. Luciano Floridi, Automatic Press, 2008, pp. 57-9.
- Letter to the Editor, The Boston Globe, Saturday, February 2, 2008, A16.
- “Whole-Body Apoptosis,” in Artifact, July 2008, pp. 1-4.
- Daniel Dennett and Kathleen Akins (2008) Multiple drafts model. Scholarpedia, 3(4):4321
- “Is religion a threat to rationality and science?” in eG Weekly, The London Guardian, April 22nd, 2008.
- “How to Protect Human Dignity from Science,” in Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essay’s Commissioned by the The President’s Council on Bioethics, March 2008, pp. 39-59.
- “Commentary on Kraynak,” in Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President’s Council on Bioethics, March 2008, pp. 83-8.
- An entry in What Have You Changed Your Mind About? – The Book, HarperCollins (US)
- Griffin, R. & Dennett, D.C. (2008). “What does the study of autism tell us about the craft of folk psychology?” In T. Striano & V. Reid (Eds.) Social Cognition: Development, Neuroscience, and Autism (pp. 254-280). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Higher Games,” MIT Technology Review, August 15th, 2007.
- “Philosophy as Naive Anthropology: Comment on Bennett and Hacker,” lecture at American Philosophical Association Meeting, New York, Dec 28, 2005; published in Neuroscience & Philosophy: Brain, Mind, & Language, M. Bennett, D. Dennett, P. Hacker, J. Searle, Columbia University Press, 2007, pp. 73-95.
- Introduction to What Are You Optimistic About? Today’s Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better ed. John Brockman, Harper Perrennial, 2007, pp. xvii-xxii; also appears in The Wall Street Journal Online January 25th, 2008,
- A letter commenting on Jerry Fodor in the London Review of Books, followed by Fodor’s reply, Nov 2007
- Review of Christopher Hitchens’ God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything in the commentary section of The Boston Globe May 15, 2007
- Essay on Dawkins for Harvard Companion to Evolution, forthcoming
- “Instead of a review,” in Artificial Intelligence 171 (2007), pp. 1110-3.
- “A Clever Robot,” Time Magazine, January 18th, 2007.
- “Open Letter To H. Allen Orr,” Edge 202 (online), February 12th, 2007.
- “Atheism and Evolution,” in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism ed. M. Martin, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 135-48.
- Review of Nicholas Humphrey Seeing Red: A Study in Consciousness in Brain 2007, 130, pp. 592-5.
- “Some observations on the psychology of thinking about free will,” for Baer, Baumeister and Kaufmann, eds., Psychology and Free Will, forthcoming.
- “Heterophenomenology reconsidered,” Phenom Cogn Sci.
- “Fun and Games in Fantasyland,” commentary on Fodor, “Against Darwinism.”
- Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, February 2, 2007.
- McGill Commencement Address, May 28th, 2007.
- Polish Translation of “Where Am I?”
- “How should we study religion?” The philosophers Daniel Dennett and Richard Swinburne debate the correct approach to the study of religion, Prospect Magazine, March 22nd, 2006.
- “A continuum of mindfulness,” with Ryan McKay, in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2006) 29:4, 353-4.
- “From Typo to Thinko,” in Evolution and Culture eds. Stephen C. Levinson and Pierre Jaisson, published by The MIT Press, 2006
- Review of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion forthcoming in Free Inquiry
- “Thank Goodness!”
- “How to Protect Human Dignity from Science,” for the Bioethics Commission, August 16, 2006.
- Commentary on Kraynak, for the Bioethics Commission, August 16th, 2006
- “The Evolution of ‘Why?‘” essay on Robert Brandom, Making it Explicit
- “Religion’s just a survival meme,” 2006, in Science & Theology News online, a response to a critique of Breaking the Spell, by Alister McGrath.
- “Higher Order Truths About Chmess,” Topoi, 2006, pp. 39-41.
- “The Selfish Gene as a Philosophical Essay,” to be published in Spring, 2006, a collection of essays on Richard Dawkins, OUP.
- “There aren’t enough minds to house the population explosion of memes” Edge The World Question Center, online.
- “Two steps closer on consciousness,” for Brian Keeley, ed., Paul Churchland, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 193-209.
- “Self-redesigning design,” forthcoming in S. Wuppuluri and I. Stewart (eds.) From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Saga of Content and Context.
- “Moral Issues of Human-Non-Human Primate Neural Grafting,” with M.Greene, R.Faden, et al, Science, Vol. 309, 15 July 2005, pp. 385-6.
- Also, a review of the above article
- “Show Me the Science” The New York Times, August 28, 2005.
- “Entry in Edge, The World Question Center, The Edge Annual Question: ôWhat do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?”
- Natural Freedom, in Metaphilosophy, Vol. 36, No. 4, July 2005, pp. 449-59.
- Obituary for John Maynard Smith, in Biology and Philosophy, Volume 19, Number 3, June 2004, pp. 307-9.
- “Holding a mirror up to Dupr?,” Commentary on John Dupre’s Human Nature and the Limits of Science in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research , Vol. LXIX, No.2, September 2004, pp. 473-83.
- “Dennett’s Law of Needy Readers,” from What’s your Law? 2004.
- “Explaining the ‘Magic’ of Consciousness,” Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 1(2003)1, 7-19.
- “The Self as a Responding and Responsible Artifact,” Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1001: 39-50 (2003).
- “Forestalling a food fight over color,” Commentary on Byrne & Hilbert, ôColor realism and color science,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2003) 26, 785-94.
- “The Bright Stuff,” The New York Times, July 12, 2003
- “How has Darwin’s theory of natural selection transformed our view of humanity’s place in the universe?” in eds. W.K. Purves, D.E. Sadava, G.H. Orians, and H.C. Heller, Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc Publishers
- “Shame on Rea” a reply to Michael C. Rea’s “Dennett’s Bright Idea.”
- “On failures of freedom & the fear of science,” for Daedulus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts, Winter 2003, pp. 126-130.
- “Making ourselves at home in our machines,” review of Daniel Wegner, 2002, The Illusion of Conscious Will, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- “The Mythical Threat of Genetic Determinism,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 31, 2003.
- “What RoboMary Knows,” Final Draft for Torin Alter, ed., Knowledge Argument volume and “What RoboDennett Still Doesn’t Know” – a reply to Dennett’s “What RoboMary Knows” by Michael Beaton- awarded Best Student Paper at Toward a Science of Consciousness conference, Tucson, AZ, 2004
- “Who’s On First? Heterophenomenology Explained,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 10, No.9-10,(2003), pp.10-30; also in eds. A. Jack & A. Roepstorff, Trusting the Subject? Vol. 1, Imprint Academic, 2003, pp. 19-30.
- “Could there be a Darwinian Account of Human Creativity?” Final draft for Evolution, From Molecules to Ecosystems eds. Andr?s Moya and Enrique Font, Oxford University Press.
- “Look out for the dirty baby,” on Baars, “The double life of B.F. Skinner. . . ” June 10, 2002, forthcoming in Journal of Consciousness Studies.
- “Does your brain use the images in it, and if so, how?” Commentary on Pylyshyn, for Behavioural Brain Sciences.
- “How could I be wrong? How wrong could I be?” for special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies on “The Grand Illusion”, January 13, 2002.
- “The Baldwin Effect: a Crane, not a Skyhook,” in Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered, MIT Press, edited by Bruce Weber and David Depew, in press for November, 2002.
- “Implantable brain chips–will they change who we are?” in Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Newsletter, Spring 2001, pp. 6-7.
- “The Evolution of Culture,” Monist July 2001, Vol. 84, Issue 3, p. 305-25.
- “The Fantasy of First-Person Science” (a written version of a debate with David Chalmers, held at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, February 15, 2001, supplemented by an email debate with Alvin Goldman).
- “Consciousness: How much is that in real Money?” for R. Gregory, ed., Oxford Companion to the Mind, on consciousness, December 12, 2001.
- “Altruists, Chumps, and Inconstant Pluralists,” Commentary on Sober and Wilson, Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior, September 22, 2001
- “Collision Detection, Muselot, and Scribble: Some Reflections on Creativity, in Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style by David Cope, MIT Press, 2001, pp. 283-91.
- “Surprise, surprise,” commentary on O’Regan and Noe, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, (2001)24:5, p. 982.
- “Re-introducing the Concept of Mind, A Forword,” in The Concept of the Mind, by Gilbert Ryle, viii-xix, New York: Penguin Classics, 2000.
- “Are We Explaining Consciousness Yet?” for COGNITION.
- “From Typo to Thinko…” for Fyssen volume on cultural evolution.
- By Christopher Taylor and Daniel Dennett, “Who’s Afraid of Determinism…?” for R. Kane, ed., Handbook of Free Will, CUP.
- Foreword, for Robert Aunger book, Darwinizing Culture, 2000.
- “In Darwin’s Wake, Where am I?” APA Presidential Address, December 29, 2000.
- Review of Eytan Avital and Eva Jablonka, Animal Traditions: Behavioural Inheritance in Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 2000, for Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
- “Ludwig Wittgenstein,” in Time Magazine, The Century’s Greatest Minds, March 29, 1999, pp. 88-90; reprinted in People of the Century, New York: Simon & Schuster, pp. 145-149, 1999.
- Is Hirsch or Wilson confused? A commentary on “The pitfalls of heritability,” with Christopher Viger
- “The Possibility of subisomorphic experiential differences,” Commentary on Palmer, for Behavioral and Brain Sciences, by Christopher Viger
- “Swift and Enormous,” Commentary on Palmer, for Behavioural and Brain Sciences, by Daniel C. Dennett
- “The Virtues of Virtual Machines,” by Shannon Densmore and Daniel Dennett, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, September, 1999, Vol. LIX, No.3.
- “Its’ Not a Bug, It’s a Feature,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7, No. 4, 2000, pp. 25-27.
- “Sort-of symbols?” with C. Viger, commentary on Barsalou: Perceptual symbol systems, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, vol. 22, no. 4, August, 1999, p. 613.
- “We Earth Neurons,” August 15, 1999
- “The Zombic Hunch: Extinction of an Intuition?” Final draft for the Royal Institute of Philosophy Millenial Lecture, October, 1999
- Foreword for Nicholas Humphrey, Leaps of Faith: Science, Miracles, and the Search for Supernatural Consolation, Copernicus Press, New York, 1999.
- Review of John Haugeland: Having Thought: Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind, in Journal of Philosophy, Volume XCVI, Number 8, August, 1999, pp. 430-435.
- “Artificial evolution in virtual and real world settings,” in Brain and Mind: Evolutionary Perspectives, eds M.S. Gazzaniga and JS Altman. HFSP, Strasbourg, 1998, chapter 5, pp. 91-102.
- With C.F. Westbury, “Mining The Past To Construct The Future: Memory and belief as forms of knowledge,” in Schacter, D. and Scarry, E. (Eds.) (in press). Memory, Brain, and Belief. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- “Making Tools for Thinking,” for Dan Sperber, ed. Metarepresentation (conference at Simon Fraser University, Feb. 7-8, 1997. Final Draft, April 10, 1998; published by Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 17-29.
- “Things about Things,” final draft for Lisbon Conference on Cognitive Science, May 1998
- With C.F. Westbury, “Stability is Not Intrinsic,” Commentary on O’Brien and Opie, “A Connectionist Theory of Phenomenal Experience,” for Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1998
- “Postmodernism and Truth,” final draft for World Congress of Philosophy, August 13, 1998
- “Memes: Myths, Misunderstandings and Misgivings,” Draft for Chapel Hill Lecture, October 1998
- “Consciousness in Human and Robot Minds,” in volume of the International Institute for Advanced Studies, (Kyoto, Japan), Symposium on Cognition, Computation and Consciousness, 1997, pp. 17-29.
- “Faith in the Truth,” Amnesty Lecture, Oxford, final draft, February 18, 1997
- “The Evolution of Evaluators,” for International School of Economic Research volume on evolutionary economics, University of Siena, Summer, 1997
- “Reply to Mulhauser,” Philosophical Books, vol. 38, pp. 89-92, April 1997
- “Snowmobiles, horses, rats, and memes,” A comment on “A Critique of Evolutionary Archeology,” by James L. Boone and Eric Alden Smith, forthcoming in Current Anthropology
- “The Case of the Tell-Tale Traces: A Mystery Solved; a Skyhook Grounded,” Comment on Behe, for Notre Dame, April 5, 1997
- “Appraising Grace: What evolutionary good is God?” review of Walter Burkert, Creation of the Sacred: Tracks of Biology in Early Religion for The Sciences Jan/Feb, 1997
- “Did HAL Commit Murder?,” (Authorized Title), “Unauthorized Title: When Hal Kills, Who’s to Blame? Computer Ethics,” in D. Stork, ed., Hals Legacy: 2001’s Computer as Dream and Reality, MIT Press 1997, pp 351-365; reprinted in Rethinking Responsibility in Science and Technology, eds. F. Battaglia, N. Mukerji, J. Nida-Rumelin, Pisa University Press, 2014.
- “A Scientific Snow Job.” Boston Review 22, no. 1 (February/March 1997): 34.
- “An Overview of my Work in Philosophy,” for Contemporary British and American Philosophy and Philosophers (in Chinese), ed. Ouyang Kang, Dept. of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, P.R. China.
- review of The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archeology, edited by Colin Renfrew and Ezra B. W. Zubrow, Cambridge University Press,1994, 191pp + index.
- “Granny versus Mother Nature–No Contest,” Response to Fodor (on DDI), Mind and Language, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 1996, pp. 263-9.
- “Quantum incoherence,” review of A. G. Cairns-Smith, Evolving the Mind: on the nature of matter and the origin of consciousness, Nature, vol. 381, 6 June 1996, pp. 486-6.
- “Facing Backwards on the Problem of Consciousness,” commentary on Chalmers for Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 3, no. 1 (special issue, part 2), 1996, pp. 4-6.
- “Producing Future by Telling Stories,” fromThe Robot’s Dilemma Revisited…, Ford, Pylyshyn, eds., Ablex
- Review of Hofstadter & F.A.R.G, Fluid Concepts And Creative Analogies, Complexity Journal, Santa Fe Institute, vol. 1, no. 6, 1995/96, pp. 9-12.
- Review of Other Minds: Critical Essays, 1969-1994 by Thomas Nagel, OUP, 1995 in Journal of Philosophy, vol. XCIII, no. 8, Aug 1996, pp. 425-28.
- A response to an article, “The Deniable Darwin,” by David Berlinski in Commentary, written by Dennett in “Letters from Readers,” Commentary, September, 1996.
- “The Myth of Double Transduction,” Final Draft for TUCSON II volume, Stuart Hameroff, ed., Sept. 30, 1996
- “Reflections on Language and Mind,” for Sheffield Conference volume, October 7, 1996
- “The Case for Rorts,” for Rorty and His Critics, July 1996
- “Is Perception the ‘Leading Edge’ of Memory?” A. Spadafora (ed.) Iride: Luoghi della memoria e dell’oblio, anno. VIII, n. 14, April, pp. 59-78.
- Review of Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error, Times Literary Supplement, August 25, pp. 3-4.
- “Evolution as Algorithm–the Ultimate Insult?” in The Mind, the Brain and Complex Adaptive Systems, ed, Harold Morowitz and Jerome Singer, Santa Fe Inst. Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proceedings Vol. XXII, 1995, Addison-Wesley, pp. 221-223.
- “Animal Consciousness: What Matters and Why,” in Social Research, vol. 62, no. 3, Fall 1995, pp. 691-710.
- “Seeing is Believing–or is it?” for Perception, Akins ed., Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science, vol 5: Oxford University Press, pp. 158-72.
- “Overworking the Hippocampus,” commentary on Jeffrey Gray, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 18, no. 4, 1995, pp. 677-78.
- “The Path not Taken,” commentary on Ned Block, “On Confusion About a Function of Consciousness,” in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 18, no. 2, 1995, pp. 252-53.
- “Do Animals have Beliefs?” in Herbert Roitblat& Jean-Arcady Meyer, eds., Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Sciences, MIT Press, 1995, pp. 111-118.
- “How to Make Mistakes,” in How Things Are, J. Brockman and K. Matson, eds., William Morrow and Company, New York, 1995. pp. 137-144.
- “The Unimagined Preposterousness of Zombies,” commentary on T. Moody, O. Flanagan and T. Polger, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 2, no. 4, 1995, pp. 322-326.
- “‘The Mystery of Consciousness’: an exchange with John Searle,” The New York Times, December 21st, 1995.
- “Dennett and Carr Further Explained: an exchange,” Emory Cognition Project, Report #28, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Apr.
- “Artificial Life as Philosophy,” Artificial Life, vol 1, no. 1, 1994 (reprinted in Artificial Life: An Overview, Langton, ed. MIT Press, 1995)
- “Cognitive Science as Reverse Engineering: Several Meanings of ‘Top Down’ and ‘Bottom Up,’” in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX, D. Prawitz, B. Skyrms, and D. Westerst?hl, eds., Elsevier Science, BV, Amsterdam, North-Holland, pp. 679-689.
- “Self Portrait,” S. Guttenplan, ed., A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, Blackwell Press, Oxford, pp. 236-244.
- “Real Consciousness,” and “Instead of Qualia,” in Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience, A. Revonsuo & M. Kamppinen, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- “Counting Consciousnesses: None, One, Two, or None of the Above?” (with Marcel Kinsbourne) continuing commentary on “Time and the Observer” in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, v. 17, n. 1, pp. 178-80.
- “The Practical Requirements for Making a Conscious Robot,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A, v. 349, pp. 133-146.
- Review of Jackendoff, Patterns in the Mind and Pinker, The Language Instinct, London Review of Books, (23 June), v. 16, n. 12, pp. 10-11.
- “The Role of Language in Intelligence,” in What is Intelligence?, The Darwin College Lectures, ed. Jean Khalfa, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Interview with Daniel Dennett, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 7, no. 3.
- “Get Real,” reply to my critics, in Philosophical Topics, vol. 22, no 1 &2, Spring & Fall 1994.
- “E Pluribus Unum?” commentary on Wilson & Sober: Group Selection, BBS, vol. 17, no. 4, 1994, pp. 617-18.
- “Précis of Consciousness Explained,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 53, No. 4, Dec., 1993, pp. 889-892.
- “‘Confusion Over Evolution’: An Exchange,” (with S.J. Gould) The New York Review of Books, vol. XL, No. 1 & 2, pp.43-44.
- “Living on the Edge,” Inquiry, 36, March.
- Review of Varela et al, The Embodied Mind, Amer. Jnl. of Psych., 106, No. 1, Spring, pp. 121-25.
- “Back from the Drawing Board: reply to my critics,” in Dahlbom, ed. Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind. Oxford: Blackwell.
- “The Message is: There is no Medium,” reply to Jackson, Rosenthal, Shoemaker & Tye in Philosophy & Phenomenological Research (Dec.), v. 53, n. 4, pp. 889-931.
- Review of Allen Newell, Unified Theories of Cognition, Artificial Intelligence, 59, (1-2), 285-294, Feb.
- “Down with School! Up with Logoland!: review of Seymour Papert, The Children’s Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer” New Scientist, 140, 1898, 45-46, Nov. 1993.
- “Multiple Drafts: An eternal golden braid?“, with M. Kinsbourne, response to Glicksohn and Salter in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 18, no. 4, 1995, pp. 810-11.
- “Learning and Labeling,” commentary on Clark and Karmiloff-Smith, “The Cognizer’s Innards,” Mind and Language. 8, (4), 540-547, Winter.
- “Evolution, Teleology, Intentionality,” (continuing commentary on “Précis of The Intentional Stance”), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, (2), 289-391.
- “Caveat Emptor,” reply to essays on Consciousness Explained (reply to Mangan, Toribio, Baars and McGovern), Consciousness and Cognition, 2, (1), 48-57, Mar.
- review of John Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind, Journal of Philosophy, 60, (4), 193-205, Apr.
- Dennett and Kinsbourne, M., “Time and the Observer,” BBS, 15, 183-247. & reply, “Escape from the Cartesian Theater.”
- “Temporal Anomalies of Consciousness: Implications for the Uncentered Brain,” in Neurophilosophy and Alzheimer’s Disease, Christen et al. eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- “The Self as the Center of Narrative Gravity,” in Self and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives, Kessel, Cole, Johnson eds., Erlbaum.
- “Filling In versus Finding Out: A Ubiquitous Confusion in Cognitive Science,” in Cognition, Conceptual, and Methodological Issues, Pick, Van den Broek, Knill, eds., American Psychological Assn.
- Review of Varela et al, The Embodied Mind, and Edelman, Bright Air, Brilliant Fire, in New Scientist, 13 June.
- “Hitting the Nail on the Head,” (commentary on Thompson, Palacios and Varela), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 1, p. 35, 1992.
- “La Comprehension Artisanale,” (French translation of “Do-It-Yourself Understanding”) in Fisette ed., Daniel C. Dennett et les Strat?gies Intentionnelles, Lekton, 11, Winter.
- “What is it like to be a bat?” Presented at the New York University Philosophy Department, April 5, 1991.
- “Granny’s Campaign for Safe Science,” in B. Lower and G. Rey eds., Meaning in Mind: Fodor and his Critics, Blackwell.
- “Two Contrasts: Folk Craft versus Folk Science and Belief versus Opinion,” Greensboro NC conference on the Future of Folk Psychology, in J. D. Greenwood, ed., The Future of Folk Psychology.
- “The Brain and its Boundaries,” (review of C. McGinn, The Problem of Consciousness), The Times Literary Supplement, May 10, 10, 1991.
- “Real Patterns,” Journal of Philosophy, 88:1, 27-51.
- “Lovely and Suspect Qualities,” in E. Villanueva, ed., Consciousness.
- “Teaching an old dog new tricks,” (commentary on Schull), BBS, 13:1, March.
- “Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination,” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 48:2, Spring.
- “Betting your life on an algorithm,” commentary on Penrose, BBS, 13:4, December.
- Review of Langton, ed., Artificial Life, in Biology and Philosophy 5:489-492.
- “The Interpretation of Texts, People and Other Artifacts,” in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, I, Supplement, Fall.
- N. Humphrey and Dennett, “Speaking for Our Selves,” in Raritan.
- “The Origins of Selves,” Cogito, 3, 163-73, Autumn 1989. Reprinted in Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991.
- Review of Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics, in Times Literary Supplement.
- “Cognitive Ethology: Hunting for Bargains or a Wild Goose Chase?” in Montefiore and Noble, eds., Goals, Own Goals, and No-Goals, Unwyn Hyman.
- “Mother Nature versus the Walking Encyclopedia,” In Ramsey, Rumelhart and Stich, eds., Philosophy and Connectionist Theory.
- Précis of The Intentional Stance, Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1988) 11, pp. 495-6.
- Review of Fodor, Psychosemantics in Journal of Philosophy.
- “When Philosophers Encounter AI,” Daedalus, 117, pp. 283-296.
- “The Intentional Stance in Theory and Practice,” in Whiten and Byrne, eds., Machiavellian Intelligence, Oxford University Press.
- “Quining Qualia,” in A. Marcel and E. Bisiach, eds, Consciousness in Modern Science, Oxford University Press 1988
- “Why Creative Intelligence is Hard to Find,” (Commentary on Whiten and Byrne), BBS.
- “Out of the Armchair and Into the Field,” Poetics Today.
- Review of Honderich, A Theory of Determinism: The mind, neuroscience, and life-hopes, “Coming to terms with the determined,” Times Literary Supplement, November 4-10.
- “Ways of Establishing Harmony,” in B. McLaughlin, ed., Dretske and His Critics.
- “Evolution, Error and Intentionality,” in Y. Wilks and D. Partridge, eds, Sourcebook on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, New Mexico University Press 1988.
- “Eliminate the Middletoad!” (commentary on Ewert), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 372-4, 1987.
- “Commentary on Cam,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XLVIII, 339-41, December 1987.
- “Intentionality” (with John Haugeland), in R. L. Gregory, ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press 1987
- “The Role of the Computer Metaphor in Understanding the Mind,” in H. Pagels, ed., Computer Culture: the Scientific, Intellectual, and Social Impact of the Computer, Annals of the NY Academy of Science, 426, 266-75, 1984.
- “A route to intelligence: Oversimplify and self-monitor.” This paper was never published but it gets references fairly often.
- “Intentional systems in cognitive ethology: The ‘Panglossian paradigm’ defended,” The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, pp. 343-90, 1983.
“Intentional systems in cognitive ethology: The ‘Panglossian paradigm’ defended,” The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, pp. 343-90, 1983.
- “Beliefs about Beliefs,” Commentary on Premack, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4, 1978, pp. 568-70.
Articles by and about Professor Daniel C. Dennett, selected and compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan
The Semantic Engineer cover story in about the Center in Tufts Magazine Fall 2004 issue
Responses to Articles
Reply by Dennett to D’Souza Wall Street Journal Essay
Corrections to the London Guardian article about Dennett
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