Reviews, interviews, and videos
- Julian Baggini, Prospect, October 4th, 2023.
- A masterclass in vanity, Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times, September 17th, 2023.
- An engaging, vexing memoir with a humility bypass, Stuart Jeffries, Observer, October 1st, 2023.
- Slow Thinking, Nigel Warburton, The Times Literary Supplement, October 20th, 2023.
- What Daniel Dennett gets wrong, Thomas Nagel, The New Statesman, October 21st, 2023.
- The grand challenge of consciousness, Liad Mudrick, Nature, Vol. 623, November 2nd, 2023.
- Thinking about science, Itai Yanal and Martin J. Lercher, Science, Vol. 382 Issue 6671, November 10th, 2023, p. 653.
- Dan Dennett: Fake People Aren’t Funny, Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda, July 24th, 2023.
- “How to Live a Happy Life, From a Leading Atheist,” David Marchese, New York Times, August 25th, 2023.
- A new book and an interview in the NYT, Jerry Coyne, Why Evolution is True, August 27th, 2023.
- Favorite Books recommended by Daniel Dennett, Nigel Warburton, Five Books, September 25th, 2023.
- Free will, consciousness and AI: a conversation with Daniel Dennett, Dan Falk, The Philosopher Zone, ABC Listen, September 28th, 2023.
- Daniel Dennett Looks Back on His Career, The Michael Shermer Show, October 3rd, 2023.
- Philosopher Daniel Dennett On the Illusion of Consciousness, Rachel Slade, DownEast Magazine, October 2023.
- Review of I’ve Been Thinking, by Maria Kasmirli, October 3, 2023, (and this one’s in the original Greek!).
- Daniel Dennett on the Mysteries of the Mind, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Closer to Truth, October 4th, 2023.
- Daniel Dennett’s intuition pumps, Yanai & Lercher, Night Science podcast, S4: E5.
- Freethought Matters, Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker, Freedom from Religion Foundation, 2023.
- What makes a philosophical mind? In conversation with Dan Dennett, Nick Spencer, Reading Our Times podcast, November 14th, 2023.
- Consciousness, AI, Free Will, Evolution, & Religion, Walter Veit, November 15th, 2023.
- The Art of Thinking Well, Justin Garson, Psychology Today, December 8th, 2023.
- Consciousness, Free Will and Meaning in a Darwinian Universe, The Freethinker, Daniel James Sharpe, December 18th, 2023.
- Zoomposium: a naturalistic view on consciousness, December 29th, 2023.
- Philosophy, Free Will, Human AI Clones, with Curt Jaimungal, December 26th, 2023.
- Intelligence artificielle : la VAGUE qui vient – Daniel Dennett, January 17th, 2024.
- I’ve been thinking, Philosophypodcasts.org, February 10th, 2024.
- Consciousness, Free Will and the Evolution of Minds, Robinson Erhardt, February 13th, 2024.
- Consciousness Explained – Dialogue between Daniel C. Dennett and Benedetta Giovanola, February, 2024.
- Daniel Dennett on Artificial Intelligence, New Atheism, and the Decline of Religion, David Pakm, March 11, 2024.