Americans are more satisfied when their own party, rather than commissions, control redistricting

by the Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center In the November 2024 elections, Ohio voters rejected a proposed constitutional amendment that would have created a citizen-led redistricting commission aimed at reducing gerrymandering. The proposal would have replaced the current Ohio Redistricting Commission on which elected officials serve as members. Our recently published article examining …

When the dust has settled from the election, is there anything Democrats and Republicans can agree on?

by Rebecca Bankhead and Jeremy C. Pope Heading into the 2024 election, lots of people want to believe that America is always and quite irrevocably polarized. It’s a reasonable place to start: Congress provides a never-ending stream of evidence and issues that divide Democrats and Republicans are highlighted in headlines nationwide, creating images of division …

CES estimates on the 2024 presidential election

Each election year, the Cooperative Election Study (CES) produces summary results from its pre-election interviews with American adults. The 2024 pre-election results, including dynamic crosstabs, can be found here. Results for key swing states can be found here. The survey shows Kamala Harris with a 4-point lead over Donald Trump among likely voters (51% – …

Do conservatives really have better mental health? Perhaps not.

by Thomas Hershewe, Zoe Kava, and Brian Schaffner Conservatives are happier and have better mental health than liberals, or at least that’s what surveys show. In a previous post, we concluded that conservatives rate their mental health higher than liberals, moderates, and the population as a whole; this mental health divide still persists even after …