Multiphysics modeling of offshore wind turbines

Format: Hybrid

Time: 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Moderator: Amy Robertson, NREL

Dr. Amy Robertson serves as the Offshore Wind Group Manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. With expertise in offshore wind dynamics, Dr. Robertson oversees international research projects such as the IEA Wind Task 56 and directs the DOE Offshore Wind System Design & Tool Validation project. In this panel, Dr. Robertson will provide an introduction to the work NREL is doing in applying multi-physics models for digital twin applications, and studies conducted on understanding the important parameters that drive wind system loads.

Panelist: Anthony Kirincich, WHOI

Dr. Anthony Kirincich works to develop new methods of sensing the coastal ocean using both in situ and remote instruments.  He is the Chief Scientist of the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal, and the lead of the U.S. DOE’s ongoing Offshore Wind Forecast Improvement Project.

Panelist: Finn Rüdinger, Ørsted

Dr. Finn Rüdinger is a senior load engineer at Ørsted Wind Power where he has worked for 12 years. His work includes aeroelastic simulations of the dynamic response of offshore wind turbines, evaluation of structural, hydrodynamic, and soil damping, and analysis of spectral wave records from hindcast modeling and wave buoy measurements. At this panel, he’ll discuss the identification of natural frequencies and damping values from SCADA data.