Digital twinning of offshore wind turbines with real data
Format: Hybrid
Time: 9:00 – 10:15 AM

Moderator: Babak Moaveni, Tufts University
Dr. Babak Moaveni is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University. He has expertise in structural dynamics and inverse modeling of dynamic systems using probabilistic approaches. In this panel, Dr. Moaveni provides an overview of his team’s research activities on digital twinning of the first two offshore wind farms in the US: Block Island Wind Farm and Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind.

Panelist: Athanasios Kolios, DTU
Dr. Athanasios Kolios is a Professor and Head of section at the Department of Wind and Energy Systems at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Dr. Kolios is an expert in development, analysis and optimization of energy systems including offshore wind turbines. He will provide a summary of his team’s efforts in digitization of offshore wind turbine systems through data-driven methods.

Panelist: Per Sparrevik, NGI
Per Sparrevik is a technical expert of subsea technology and offshore instrumentation at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). He has experience in development of new methodologies and hardware systems for structural and geotechnical monitoring in harsh offshore conditions for large scale field testing, installation monitoring control and long term structural health monitoring. Based on a solid experience from projects for the Oil & Gas industry, his focus shifted in 2010 and have since then mainly worked with monitoring projects for offshore wind turbine foundations. Mr. Sparrevik will provide an overview of Structural monitoring methods and instrumentation campaigns for collection of data on offshore wind turbines.