Inclusive Programming & Self-Regulation at a Youth Recreation Program


Alexa Klein, OT/s; Ryan Whitney, OT, OTD, OTR, MA; Joseph Connelly, M.Ed.


This study aimed to identify the accessibility and relevance of three diabetes modules

Summer camp helps children develop independence, social skills, and the ability to self-
regulate. Club Rec, the Arlington Recreation Department’s summer program, aims to provide
safe, inclusive and fun programming for children ages 4-11. Staff training, programming, and
caregiver collaboration were prioritized based on previous recommendations. Twenty-four staff
ages 15-30 completed pre/post/post surveys around their comprehension of self-regulation
concepts and confidence in training topics. Activities and resources were introduced to support
camper participation. Caregivers were prompted to provide information relevant to their child’s
camp experience.

Survey results showed an increased understanding of self-regulation. Researcher and staff
observations identified challenges for campers during drop-off, downtime and transitions, and
unexpected events. Recommendations for Club Rec include effective caregiver communication,
training for the leadership staff, and increased counselor engagement.

Key Words:

Inclusion, Self-regulation, Camp



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