The Relationship and Value of Covering Occupational Therapy in Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers


Emily Berlin, OT/s, Laura Hooper, Tay Amin-Arsala, MS, OTR/L


Limited knowledge exists among occupa4onal therapy practitioners (OTPs) about home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers as a state-based Medicaid program for individuals with chronic or disabling conditions to receive long-term care services in the community instead of the institutional setting and as a unique community-based reimbursement for OTPs. This project aimed to increase education around HCBS waivers for OTPs. Created and provided resources to raise awareness of HCBS and gathered background information from content experts through focus group and semi-structured interviews about utilization of HCBS waivers across the country and completed state-specific analysis of Illinois, Kansas, and Massachusetts. Disseminated information through Medicaid presentation at AOTA 2024 Inspire conference. Results highlight need for increased advocacy about opportunities for OTPs in HCBS waivers.

Key Words:

Advocacy, Medicaid, Community



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