How to be an Antiracist Museum Person – Questions to Consider and Reflect Upon

For further information, see this article which is where this list came from – Porchia Moore is a great writer, thinker, and curator!
  1. Do you understand the basic language tools for racial equity? (Do you have mechanisms in place to ensure that this language is not being co-opted by the values being employed?)
  2. Do you apply trauma-informed and healing-informed care to your daily museum work?
  3. Do you know your museum’s racial history?
  4. Is your board still predominately white?
  5. Are your collections still predominately lacking complex, multilayered narratives/representation?
  6. Is your social media still only speaking to your “base/core”?
  7. Is your development department still only targeting Black, Indigenous, and other people of color as beneficiaries of donations instead of donors/philanthropists themselves?
  8. Do you understand what anti-blackness is and what it looks like in your decision-making approach?
  9. Do you believe that race and/or racism has nothing to do with museums or museum-going and doesn’t impact the work that you do?
  10. Has your museum created spaces, opportunities, advisory capacities, and more to elevate the presence, power, and voices of historically marginalized communities in your institution in a tangible, visible way that shares authority and ways of knowing?