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Archive– Spring 2022

The students of the Spring ’22 course posing with their final project.

In Spring 2022, we identified a problem in our local Tufts/Medford infrastructure: the intersection of Boston Ave and College Ave. The students scoped this problem by conducting interviews with users and researching the history of the intersection. We brainstormed multiple solutions and decided to model a skybridge connecting the JCC, SEC, and top of the hill. The students constructed their model using 3D printed buildings, a laser cut skybridge and map, and small figurines of people and cars. The model, along with a QR code directing visitors to the students website, was displayed in the SEC lobby during finals period. The website contained links to a video the students made about their process, their Problem Statement and Design Process, and a feedback form about the current intersection and their new design. Check out their website here! (

Students presenting their midterm design reviews.
“100 ideas” brainstorming session.
Drawing the intersection to determine the scale of the model.
An inital cardboard prototype.
Taking apart a chair to explore how things are made and question why designers make the choices they do.
A whole class problem-scoping discussion– featuring sticky notes of course!