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Students’ Sustainable Entrepreneurship School – November, Berlin, Germany

by Ann Greaney-Williams on September 6, 2011

The Oikos Winter School is an annual platform for sustainable entrepreneurship designed by students. It provides an international body
of students with skills to implement or improve their projects and ideas in the field of sustainability. You could be of great help to spread
inspiration by forwarding the following message to the faculties of your university related to environmental and sustainable issues, as well as
to related student’s initiatives.

Are you a student or post-graduate and is it you dream to start your
own sustainable project or start-up?
Then join the oikos Winter School! Gain competency on project
management, design and leadership and build up future alliances that
make change happen.
Find more details on
or on our flyer:
or on facebook:
If there are any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Andreas Yakub Poda,
Chair of oikos Winter School 2011

From → Fall, Internships

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