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The Udall Scholarship Now Accepting Applications

by Ann Greaney-Williams on October 15, 2011
  • Eligibility: college sophomore or junior “who has demonstrated a commitment to a career related to the environment”; GPA of 3.0+; U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident
  • Award: up to $50,000 for undergraduate tuition/fees; Scholars conference in August of award year
  • Selection: Tufts may nominate up to 6 applicants per year; 80 Scholars chosen nationally
  • Tufts deadline: mid-February

Please visit the Udall Foundation website for more information.

2011 Udall Meet and Greet

There will be a Udall-sponsored meet and greet with Alumni Scholars – including 2010 Tufts grad Matthew Thoms!
Friday, October 21, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Location: somewhere on Harvard University campus (interested students check with Laura Doane for update)

A Tufts-sponsored session on application process will take place on:
Thursday, October 27, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Mayer Campus Center, upper-level conference room

Final applications are due by March 2.

From → Scholarships

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