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Volunteer Opportunities-Community Garden Design & Implementation

by Ann Greaney-Williams on October 17, 2011
Anyone and everyone can be involved in the important work of making and improving community green spaces. Be a part of COGdesign’s Planting Brigade – an on-call list of folks who want to roll up their sleeves and dig, plant, water, weed – for a few hours every now and then.  Send an email message to to be added to the list.

COGdesign needs organizational volunteers.  You can help with:

  • making phone calls
  • writing newsletter articles
  • writing press releases
  • graphic design
  • photography
  • web site editor
  • event planning
  • grant research
  • grant writing
  • office support
  • selling raffle tickets
  • soliciting plant donations

Please contact us if you can help!  Call 781-642-6662.

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