Youth Conservation Corps Hiring Adult Staff for Summer 2012-FIELD MANAGER AND CREW SUPERVISORS

Program Description:

Youth Conservation Corps employs teens as stewards of the natural environment in their own neighborhoods working cooperatively to complete conservation projects while earning much-needed income. BNAN is looking for committed, energetic adults with a passion for the outdoors to work with teens for what will be YCC’s 18th summer this year

Youth Conservation Corps Staff Positions:

• Field Manager/Coordinator             (1 opening)

• Crew Supervisor                                   (4 openings)

Crew Locations:

• Neponset Greenway – Pope John Paul II Park, Dorchester

• Neponset Greenway – Mattapan Square

• East Boston Greenway – East Boston

• Stony Brook Reservation* – Hyde Park


Field Manager/Coordinator: The Field Manager/Coordinator is responsible for organizing all logistics pertaining to the four YCC crews’ work plans, i.e.: work sites, projects, supplies, personnel support and payroll, as well as managing the environmental education components. The Field Manager/Coordinator directly oversees the four YCC crew supervisors and will assist and support them with any issues that arise, allotting equal time to all crews. Prior to the start of the program, the Field Manager’s time is devoted to logistics planning, pulling together educational materials and planning staff training while time following program completion is utilized to gather feedback for the program’s season-end report. This position works closely with BNAN’s Program Manager.

Crew Supervisor: Supervisors will be responsible for leading a team of 10-12 urban youth, ages 15-17 at one of the above 4 locations. Supervisor will be accountable for the physical work, wellbeing, behavior and safety of the crewmembers. Daily tasks include coordinating the crew’s approach to work projects, teaching and following best practices, delivering formal and informal environmental education lessons, and facilitating teambuilding activities. Working with BNAN staff and on-site project partners, the Supervisor is responsible for high quality project outcome and learning experience of the youth.

*Stony Brook Crew Supervisor: This site also operates spring and fall as an urban agriculture project. Ideal candidate must have extensive food production experience and starts end of April/beginning of May. See separate job post for more info.

Requirements for BOTH positions:

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Minimum two years’ experience working with and positively motivating urban teens
  • Strong leadership, conflict-resolution and teambuilding skills
  • Physically fit and up to the challenge of demanding conservation work
  • Teaching or youth development experience, especially in environmental education
  • Ability to work independently, exercise good judgment and adapt under changing conditions
  • Familiarity with Boston neighborhoods helpful
  • ·Current First Aid & CPR certification by start date
  • Demonstrated experience coordinating programs (Field Manager)
  • Must have vehicle, mileage reimbursed (Field Manager)                                   

Work Schedule, Dates and Salary:  

•   Field Manager/Coordinator: 35-40 hrs/wk, Mid June – Aug. 31, 8:00AM – 4:00PM, M-F, $25/hr

•   Crew Supervisor: 30 hrs/wk, End of June – Aug. 24, 8:00AM – 2:00PM, M-F when in session July/Aug, $20/hr. Paid training end of June, schedule TBD.

To apply: Send a detailed cover letter and resume to Candice Cook, Program Manager

Please include your first and last name in the title of your file attachments.

Learn more at • 617-542-7696 • Application Deadline: March 31, 2012

Program Description:

Youth Conservation Corps employs teens as stewards of the natural environment in their own neighborhoods working cooperatively to complete conservation projects while earning much-needed income. For the first time, BNAN will expand in 2012 to include a youth urban agriculture crew to encompass the growing season from spring to fall in addition to the 3 conservation crews that operate only in the summer. Youth will start a new small urban farm (4000 square feet) next to the beautiful wooded Stony Brook Reservation and donate the harvest to local food pantries. BNAN is looking for a committed, energetic adult with substantial experience in sustainable food production and a passion for the outdoors to work with a team of teens to implement this exciting project.

Position: Urban Agriculture & Crew Supervisor                   Location: Stony Brook Reservation, Hyde Park


The Urban Agriculture Crew Supervisor will be responsible for planning and managing a small urban vegetable farm and leading a team of 10-12 urban youth, ages 15-17. The position will include, but is not limited to, greenhouse work, building raised beds, crop planning, organic weed and pest management and harvesting. Spring and fall tasks will be limited to the farm while summer will also involve completing trail and habitat improvement work in the reservation. Supervisor will be accountable for the physical work, wellbeing, behavior and safety of the crewmembers. Daily tasks include coordinating the crew’s approach to work projects, teaching and following best practices for sustainable food production, delivering formal and informal environmental education lessons, and facilitating teambuilding activities. Working with the BNAN Program Manager and on-site project partners, the Supervisor is responsible for high quality project outcome and meaningful learning experience of the youth.


  • At least 21 years of age
  • Minimum two years’ experience working with and positively motivating urban teens
  • At least one full season’s experience of farm work and/or garden planning/management
  • Physically fit and up to the challenge of demanding farm and conservation work
  • Teaching or youth development experience, especially in environmental or garden/farm education
  • Strong leadership, conflict-resolution and teambuilding skills
  • Ability to work independently, exercise good judgment and adapt under changing conditions
  • Familiarity with Boston neighborhoods helpful
  • ·Current First Aid and CPR certification by start date                                 

Work Schedule, Dates and Salary:  

•   $20 per hour. This position is from end of April through October.

•   Spring & Fall Schedule: 8-10 hrs/wk, Saturdays plus one weekday afternoon, end Apr – Jun, & Sept – Oct, negotiable

•   Summer Schedule: 30 hrs/wk, End of June – Aug 24, 8:00AM – 2:00PM, M-F when in session July/Aug

YCC is also hiring a Field Manager and an additional 3 Crew Supervisors in other Boston neighborhoods.
These positions are non-agricultural and for summer only, Mid June – August. See separate job post for more info.

To apply: Send a detailed cover letter and resume to Candice Cook, Program Manager

Please include your first and last name in the title of your file attachments.

Learn more at • 617-542-7696 • Application Deadline: March 31, 2012

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