FSD Foundation for Sustainable Development-Abroad Interns
Intern Abroad offers 9-52 week placements at any FSD site with one of our 300 Community Partners. It’s an intense, immersive program for students and young professionals looking to gain international development experience and training.
The program commonly acts as a catalyst for building a career in development, strengthening applications for graduate programs, or cultivating relationships with international communities and organizations. Internships run year-round, depending on your time schedule and the breadth of experience you wish to attain. The structured program consists of several components that prepare and provide you with the support and guidance needed to implement successful projects in a sustainable manner. Your internship will involve home-stays, an on-site orientation, development training, grantwriting, and ultimately project implementation to ensure that the work makes a lasting impact on you and the community you serve. For more information: http://www.fsdinternational.org/programs/internship |