Dauphin Island Sea Lab: Summer Semester

Funded by the National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences Research Experience for Undergraduates and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, seven undergraduate fellowships will be offered during the 2012 summer semester at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Undergraduates in their junior and senior years with interests in marine science, biology, chemistry, geology and environmental sciences can apply to this REU Program. The selected students will be provided stipends of $5,400 will be provided for the full-time program. In addition, students will be provided on-campus housing and a good allowance. Students from outside the Mobile area can apply for limited travel assistance (up to $400.00).

The focus of the REU Program is to provide participants with the opportunity to carry out an independent research project while working under the direction of a faculty mentor (see www.disl.org for faculty research interests). While carrying out their research, REU students will be given the opportunity to acquire basic research skills, learn analytical techniques, and developed data interpretation and presentation proficiency. In addition, students were exposed to a diversity of scientists, graduate students and professionals who will provided insight into potential careers in marine science. Potential research areas include, for example: the ecology and early life history of marine and estuarine fishes; plant-animal interactions in seagrass beds;marine microbial ecology; estuarine nutrient biogeochemistry;benthic ecology; trophic interactions and carbon budgets inmarine ecosystems; life history and biomechanics of marine invertebrates; phytoplankton and zooplankton ecology.

For further information on the DISL Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, please see the following links:

Applicants are required to submit 1) application, on-line suggested; 2) Official college transcripts of all completed work; 3) *Two letters of recommendation. Students wishing to participate in the REU program are required to submit applications and all requirements  by February 10, 2012. (*Items can be email to sbrennan@disl.org.)

All students who are offered a position at this REU Site have until March 15th or later to accept or reject the offer. This REU Site is funded by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences, and the cognizant Program Director for all OCE-funded REU sites is Lisa Rom at elrom@NSF.gov or 703-292-7709.

For further information, please contact the University Programs Registrar, Sally Brennan, (251 861-2141, ext. 2256).