Smithsonian Internship: Global Genome Outreach

PROJECT TITLEGlobal Genome Outreach

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The intern will design activities and a Global Genome station for onsite, interactive visitor experiences on genomic research as part of the NMNH Education Center that will open in 2013. Tasks include: 1) a discovery phase focused on understanding the way all the component parts of the Global Genome Initiative work together, 2) front end evaluation consisting of gleaning information from visitors to the Museum on genomics, 3) concept development for activities and a Global Genome station, 4) drafting, and prototyping activities, and designing a GGI station, 5) testing activities with the visiting public, 6) identifying audiences, and 7) reporting on findings and outcomes. This station and the activities will cover specific aspects of biodiversity genetic research. This includes 1) how genetic information compares with morphological information to interpret the tree of life (what is the tree of life and why do we care), 2) What genes tell us about biodiversity (how do we interpret and compare genetic information (e.g., aligning sequences, interpreting sequence differences, apply molecular clocks, etc.), or just a gene from a string of DNA, what is DNA sequencing and how is it done?

QUALIFICATIONS: Biology, Anthropology, Education, or related majors are encouragedy. Strong development and writing skills are required. Background knowledge/reading of basic biology and genetics is strongly suggested.




Katharine Barker