Environment America Fellow

Work for a green future: Apply to be an Environment America fellow

Each year, Environment America hires recent college graduates with the passion, the commitment and the talent it takes to stand up to polluters, organize public support and fight for our environmental values. You can find out more about us and apply to be an Environment America fellow by visiting https://jobs.environmentamerica.org/

Environment America

Environment America works to advance the environmental vision and values we share—clean energy, clean water, wilderness and wildlife protection, healthy food and sustainable agriculture, and more. With nearly 100 professional staff, more than 1 million members, activists and allies and affiliates in 29 states, we organize the support it takes to stand up to polluting industries and ultimately sweep past them.  The results of our work include more solar and wind power in 22 states, caps on global warming pollution in six states and a regional cap on global warming pollution from power plants in 10 states, bans on plastic bags in more than 50 cities, better-protected parks, and stronger protections for our waterways.

But let’s not kid ourselves: our planet is still in deep trouble. Temperatures are soaring, forests are burning, and sea levels are rising. Factory farms and other polluters have created massive biological dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay. Mining, logging, budget cuts and other threats plague our national and state parks.

Fighting for the environment is the challenge of a lifetime. You need to start somewhere. But where?

 Environment America fellows

As an Environment America fellow, you’ll get a two-year crash course in the nuts and bolts of environmental activism, organizing, advocacy and the type of institution-building that can sustain long-term battles. The work you’ll do will matter, and be essential to our success from day one.

 Learn by doing

Working with our senior staff, you’ll plan and run grassroots campaigns, lobby lawmakers, publish op-eds, set up and speak at news conferences, organize town hall meetings, run citizen outreach campaigns, identify new members, raise money, recruit and manage staff and much more.

 Gain the experience you need to lead

After two years, you’ll have participated in a rigorous training, gained invaluable hands-on experience, taken on more responsibility than you thought possible, and made a difference on issues that matter day-in and day-out. And, best of all, you’ll be ready to become a lead advocate, a lead organizer or a state director with Environment America or one of our state affiliates. You might even start a new state affiliate or launch a new program.

 To learn more and apply

You can find out more and apply here: https://jobs.environmentamerica.org/>/. The deadline for fall interviews is Wednesday, November 28th.