Paid Environmental Assessment Internship: Invasive Plant Mapping

Two Environmental Assessment Interns will work as a team to map the extent of the invasive water chestnut plant throughout the length of the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers. The interns will be trained to use hand-held GPS MobileMappers and will work primarily from kayaks on the rivers. The data will be used to plan and assess the effectiveness of water chestnut removal efforts. The interns will work with office staff to obtain permission from landowners for access to the river as needed.

Location: Concord, Mass. and throughout the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord watershed

Qualifications: Ability to work with the public in a professional manner; ability to work with minimal supervision and in a team; a valid driver’s license and vehicle that can transport a kayak; experience in canoeing or kayaking in bodies of water during inclement weather (strong wind, rain); and enthusiasm for outdoor work. Past experience in plant identification; knowledge of GPS and GIS; and an interest in botany, wildlife, ecology, or related fields are preferred.

Compensation: $10/hour for up to 240 hours.

The internships start May 20th and end by mid-August. Schedule of work to be determined.

How to Apply: Send a letter of interest and resume to: OARS, 23 Bradford Street, Concord MA 01742 or electronically

Closing Date: April 5, 2013. Hiring WILL begin before the closing date so applying earlier is strongly recommended.

Visit for more information.