REU in Plant Ecology – University of Florida


The Flory Lab at the University of Florida ( is seeking applicants for an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2015 to evaluate mutualistic soil fungi effects on competition between an invasive grass and native trees. The successful applicant will work closely with graduate student Cathy Fahey and PI Dr. Luke Flory to develop an independent research project investigating how mycorrhizal associations influence invasions of Microstegium vimineum in forest understories.

The student will join a team of scientists at the University of Florida, Duke University (PI Dr. Justin Wright,, and Indiana University (PI Dr. Richard P. Phillips, that are investigating how and why invasive species impacts on decomposition and nutrient cycling differ across the landscape. The student will be trained in experimental design, data entry and analysis, and science communication and will gain experience in evaluating plant performance and working with soil fungi.

Applicants must be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program with an anticipated graduation date no sooner than fall 2015, and must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The ideal candidate will be planning to enter a graduate program in ecology, environmental science, or biology following graduation. Prior field or lab experience is beneficial, but not necessary. Applications from women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged.

The REU position is for 12 weeks, with a negotiable start date in mid May to early June 2015. A stipend of $450 per week is provided. We can assist with identifying housing if needed.

To apply: Send to Dr. Luke Flory ( the following as PDF files (combined as a single file preferred):

1)      A brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience, interest in the position, and career goals
2)      A resume or CV
3)      Transcripts (official or unofficial)
4)      Contact information for two references (faculty members are preferred)

Review of applications will begin immediately.