Internship at The Medford Office of Energy & Environment
The Medford Office of Energy & Environment is looking for 2 or more unpaid interns for the summer. Some years we have the funding to pay interns, but this year we were less successful than usual in securing funding. We are hopeful that some area college-age students would be interested in this resume-building opportunity.
It is expected that an intern would work a minimum of 10 hours a week, during our office hours, in order to provide consistency. We are able to be designated as a work-study location and thereby employ students who have federal work study funding that they can use this summer.
Position 1:
A motivated individual is needed to help organize the City’s 6th annual Harvest Your Energy Festival. This year’s festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 3, 2015. The Energy Festival Coordinator will work with the Office’s Director to contact exhibitors, organize volunteers, maintain financial records and perform the tasks necessary to coordinate the festival. The coordinator works out of Medford’s Office of Energy & Environment and will help with general office tasks including fielding resident requests, as needed.
Position 2:
Work with the Medford Bicycle Advisory Commission to develop a Bicycle Infrastructure Master Plan. The Commission has been in existence for two years, and recently held a public workshop to provide direction for the Master Plan. The intern would be expected to take the lead in converting the raw material from the workshop into a draft master plan, including:
1. Review prior work done in the City related to bicycle infrastructure, including the raw material from the workshop
2. Develop an outline of a master plan document, working with Commission members
3. Perform field work to verify existing conditions, including photographs and measurements
4. Develop draft recommendations based on meetings with Commission members, supplemented by independent research with respect to standards and common practices elsewhere.
5. Prepare a draft master plan document, including text and graphics, and respond to comments by the Commissioners.
Other potential tasks, if time allowed, would include developing a marketing and communications plan to bring about behavior change in regard to: cyclist behavior and compliance with rules of the road, pedestrian safety, and driver awareness of cyclists and pedestrians.
Students interested in either position should send a cover letter and resume to Alicia Hunt, Director of Energy and Environment, City of Medford at