Environment America Internship

What do interns with Environment America interns do?  You’ll help us educate and engage more students and citizens on the most critical environmental issues of our time. You’ll help us get our issues into the media, build coalitions, organize events and lobby decision-makers. Ultimately, you’ll help us build the kind of public support it takes to win.


We’re working to stop global warming: We took a big step forward last summer when President Obama directed his Environmental Protection Agency to develop standards that would cut carbon pollution from power plants, the nation’s largest contributors to global warming pollution. This historic step won’t be enough to fully solve the problem, but it’ll be an important start. But standing in the way, at every step, is one of the most powerful special interests in the world: the fossil fuel industry. That’s where we come in. We’re working to rally millions of American citizens, along with local elected officials and other powerful voices to back the President’s plan.

We’re making sure we don’t frack our future: Dirty and dangerous fracking could soon put some of America’s most spectacular places at risk. And we know that this especially destructive method of drilling for gas contaminates water and turns forests and rural landscapes into industrial zones – making nearby families sick and contributing significantly to global warming as well. Now, we’re working to offset the outsized influence of the oil and gas industry and keep our remarkable special places protected.

We’re working to protect our rivers, lakes and streams:  To protect our waterways from pollution and destruction we need to crack down on factory farm pollution, sewage and other threats. And we know it won’t be easy because of big opposition from the Farm Bureau, giant agribusiness and others. Now, we’re working to harness grassroots support for clean water and turn it into the political power we need to have a lasting direct impact on our waterways.

Becoming an Environment America intern

If you agree that it’s time to solve these big environmental problems, the best thing you can do to get involved is to apply to be an Environment America intern today.

We’re looking for students who care deeply about the environment and are ready to make a difference now.

As an intern:
You’ll learn how to analyze environmental problems, push for smart solutions, and build the public support it takes to win
You’ll work side-by-side with one of our organizers, learning the ropes.
And you’ll attend briefings and trainings to learn even more about environmental issues and gain organizing skill
And if you’re thinking you might want to make a career out of solving big environmental problems like global warming – interning with Environment America is one of the best ways to get started. Not only will you get the training and experience you need, but we hire our most talented and committed interns to join our Fellowship Program when they graduate.

We’re hiring interns in Washington D.C. and in 29 states nationwide. You’ll find a list of locations on our website.