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PhD Project “Rain Forest Birds/Bats” | Program for Tropical Ecology & Conservation Science

by Kris Pieper on December 2, 2015
PhD Project Studying Rain Forest Birds and/or Bats
As part of a broader, cooperative study of wildlife-habitat relationships in the Chiquibul Forest of Belize, Central America, we are looking for a Doctoral Student to lead research on the effects of forest composition, structure, and management at multiple scales on avian and/or bat communities.  The student will spend several months each year in the Chiquibul Forest/Maya Mountain Region of western Belize.  This is a remote, essentially uninhabited, rugged, wet, and hot rain forest!  We work as the Program for Tropical Ecology & Conservation Science (PTECS; from our Las Cuevas Research Station in the Chiquibul Forest Reserve.  The student will receive a $22,000/yr stipend, paid tuition, and basic insurance for 4+ years.  Start date flexible: 1 May ­ 15 August 2016.  To be considered, students must complete a University of Florida Graduate School application by 15 December 2015 (  All application materials must also be sent to Dr. Giuliano by 15 December 2015.  The student will pursue their PhD in the Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation at the University of Florida, but work closely with students and staff from PTECS cooperators.  Qualifications: interest in forest ecology and management and avian and/or bat ecology, BS and MS in wildlife science, natural resource conservation, ecology, or a closely related field, GPA 3.75, and GRE 165/165 (V/Q).  Experience with ecological modelling, quantitative ecology, acoustic sampling, habitat sampling, remote sensing, and GIS desirable. 
For more information and to forward application materials:
Dr. Bill Giuliano
308 Newins-Ziegler Hall
Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

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