Arctic Summer Research Assistant | Toolik Field Station, Alaska

A research assistant position based at Toolik Field Station, Alaska is available through Dr. Mark Urban’s laboratory at the University of Connecticut and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. The research assistant will manage field and laboratory projects regarding adaptive trait variability and influences on population persistence with regard to changing Arctic river temperature and hydrology.  The projects include assessing Arctic grayling local adaptation, migration, density, growth, and survival in field and laboratory settings.
The successful candidate will participate in ecological research on fish in Arctic tundra streams near Toolik Field Station in northern Alaska. Field activities include PIT tagging fish, installing and maintaining PIT tag antenna arrays, measuring condition of fish, determining fish density, obtaining genetic samples, conducting discharge measurements, assessing stream habitat variables, collecting water samples and maintaining larval fish common garden experiments.  
The candidate will participate in fieldwork and should be able to work under occasionally harsh environmental conditions.
We are seeking an enthusiastic candidate, who will have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in ecology, evolutionary biology, or a related field by June 2016
Preference will be given to individuals with experience in one or more of the following areas: evolutionary ecology; PIT tagging, PIT tag antenna maintenance and troubleshooting; zooplankton and larval fish rearing; and fisheries research. Preferred qualifications also include research experience with aquatic organisms, particularly in freshwater streams and lakes; experience with maintaining laboratory cultures of zooplankton; ability to care for and maintain fish populations; experience conducting wild animal surveys and experiments in remote field locations; assessing habitat quality and the ability to maintain laboratory and outdoor aquatic experiments. Understanding of and experience with electronic circuitry and management of large data sets is also preferred.
The successful candidate should be in good health; capable of rigorous physical activity (e.g., working long hours in potentially adverse environmental conditions, carrying >40 pound pack across uneven terrain); willing to travel long distances by foot; have no fear of flying via small helicopter or aircraft; be prepared to live and work with fellow researchers in remote, isolated camps; possess low aversion to swarming insects and have no allergies to mosquito or black fly bites. Wilderness and outdoor recreation experience, including angling, is highly desirable. 
Applicants should be available to live at the Toolik Field Station for a minimum of ten weeks between May 15 and September 15, 2015. Travel to Toolik Field Station will be provided as well as the cost of room and board at the station. Successful candidates will be offered a salary commensurate with their level of experience.

March 31th, 2016

Please send a single PDF containing 1) a cover letter (including a statement of interest explaining why applicant proves a good fit for this position); 2) a complete resume (or curriculum vitae); and 3) names of 3 references to