Backcountry Cutthroat Trout Monitoring Volunteer | Yellowstone National Park
Agency: Yellowstone National Park: Native Fish Conservation Program
Job Description: Volunteer will spend 4-8 weeks at backcountry cabin located at cutthroat trout monitoring station on Yellowstone Lake shore. Cabin is accessed by 3 mile hike on maintained trail. Duties will include monitoring fish sonar station and conducting visual counts of fish by walking along stream banks in rugged, remote terrain. Hiking will be required daily. Cabin includes sleeping bunks, woodstove with firewood, propane stove, gas lights, and separate outhouse. Verizon cell coverage is typically available. Cabin is located in heavily populated bear area. Bear safety and other training will be provided. Please call with interest or email resume.
Location: Yellowstone National Park
Salary: Stipend may be available
Qualifications: Willingness to stay in backcountry setting for extended time and hike in mountain terrain. Experience in native species conservation and/or fisheries is preferable.
Start date: May 2016
Application deadline: Apply immediately