Lead Research Technician | Boston-Area Climate Experiment
Lead research technician, Boston-Area Climate Experiment
We are seeking applicants for the position of lead research technician at the Boston-Area Climate Experiment (BACE). This is a full-time position based at the BACE site in Waltham, Massachusetts (approx. 9 miles from Boston). The successful applicant will maintain the BACE and conduct and assist with ecological research at the site. S/he will be responsible for maintaining a well-organized research environment, maintaining and organizing lab records, equipment, and supplies, analyzing experimental data and presenting results, helping to coordinate activities of undergraduate researchers, troubleshooting problems, ensuring that safe research practices are followed in the lab and in the field, and performing other assigned duties. The technician will work occasional odd hours and weekends as dictated by field or lab work schedules, and will sometimes work outdoors in inclement weather. The technician will spend about 70% of their working hours outdoors.
The position is open immediately (pending paperwork at Purdue), with an immediate start preferred.
Applicants should have an educational background (bachelor’s or preferably M.S.) that includes coursework in ecology or environmental science. We would be particularly interested in candidates with previous experience in plant ecology or ecophysiology labs, experience working on outdoor experiments that simulate climate change in natural or managed ecosystems, experience working with large datasets, managing student employees, and/or working in old-field ecosystems of the northeastern United States. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year. Extension of the position will depend on performance and future funding. Salary will be commensurate with experience. The technician will be employed by Purdue University (an equal access/equal opportunity university), but will be based in the Boston area, with little or no travel to Purdue.
Potential applicants should email Jeff Dukes (jsdukes@purdue.edu) a statement of interest and resume (or CV) with contact information for two or more references, using the subject line ‘BACE technician.’ Applications will be considered as they are received.
For more information on the experiment, see the BACE website: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~jsdukes/bace.html