Summer Research Technician | Yosemite National Park
The Western Forest Initiative is hiring three field technicians for summer
of 2017.
Forest Demography and Fire Effects: These positions will primarily involve
the establishment of spatially-explicit forest plots in Yosemite National
Park. The crew will navigate to areas within or near the footprint of the
Rim Fire of 2013 (wilderness and non-wilderness) and then identify, measure,
and map trees and snags in plots. The crew will receive training in
mapping and demography in the Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot and will work
with investigators from Utah State University, the University of Washington,
and the University of Montana on this Joint Fire Science Program funded
Duration: Late-May through mid-August, with the possibility for some staff
to extend the season. The work schedule is four, ten-hour days per week.
Because we don¹t work under inclement conditions, the crew will need to be
Salary: $12.50 per hour. Campground accommodations are provided. Personal
vehicle use reimbursed at $0.485/mile.
Qualifications: Previous experience taking vegetation research data,
working safely in challenging environments, and following complex data
collection protocols is required. Candidates should demonstrate the ability
to solve problems, to work both independently and in teams of two or three,
and to work with students and volunteers. Work will involve moving through
rough terrain carrying delicate and expensive equipment, as well as carrying
up to 15 kg of additional gear. Knowledge of western flora, tree pathogens,
and forest insects is helpful, as is solid experience with outdoor living.
Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and good driving history.
Applicants need a Wilderness First Aid certification (Wilderness First
Responder preferred) valid for the season.
Apply: Please assemble the following into a single PDF file and email it to 1) a one-page cover letter describing your reasons for
applying, specific dates of availability (including any planned mid-summer
absences, or a statement that you plan none), and confirmation of your first
aid certification, 2) a resume, no longer than two pages, 3) unofficial
transcripts, and 4) names, phone numbers and email addresses of three
references. Application deadline: January 31, 2017. Usually, we have made
our staffing decisions by early February. Exceptional candidates will be
selected earlier.
Additional information and background at:,, and the Facebook Group “Yosemite Forest
Dynamics Plot”